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Products, production, and stock
Cin7 Omni Help Center
Products, production, and stock
Products & categories
Create a product
Fashion products
Create alternative units of measure (UOMs)
Delete a product
Create a product category
Delete product categories
Types of product fields
Stock control methods
Product images
Product codes
Product costs
Product weight
Customs duty rate
See all 9 articles
Bill of materials (BOM)
Create a bill of materials (BOM)
Import bill of materials (BOM)
Virtual stock with bill of materials (BOM)
Update & export products
Bulk update products
Product import templates
Import products
Import fashion products
Import products with alternative units of measure
Import product images
See all 9 articles
Product setup
Product settings
Price and cost tiers
Product checker
Promotions overview
Customer promotions
Product promotions
Category promotions
Barcodes & labels
Product barcodes
Print labels
Print a product label
Duplicate barcodes
View stock & stock movements
Track stock movements
Dispatch stock
Open to sell (OTS)
View stock figures
Replenishment values
Stock allocation
Locations overview
Add static locations
Bulk update locations
Bin location transfer
Complete a stocktake
Stocktake batch and serial products
Auto adjustments
Manage production jobs
Create a production job
Complete a production job
Export production jobs
Import production jobs
Add labor to a production job