Delete product categories

Delete product categories


You can delete a parent category or sub-category. We recommend that you un-assign all products before deleting a category. Deleting a category will not delete any associated products, but it may cause issues elsewhere.

If you've already deleted a category, find the products that were within the deleted category and reassign them to new categories as soon as possible.

Delete a parent category

  1. Select Product from the left Navigation.

  2. Select the edit icon to the left of the Category name, this will open the Add a Category page in a new tab.

  3. Select Delete.

Delete a sub-category

  1. Select Product from the left Navigation.

  2. Select the Parent Category to view its Sub Categories.

  3. Select the edit icon to the left of the Sub Category name, this will open the Add a Category page in a new tab.

  4. Select Delete to the right of the screen.


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