Auto adjustments

Auto adjustments


You can use Auto Adjustments to correct stock inaccuracies when using the POS.

At some point in time, a situation may occur where your stock on hand may be shown as 0 for a certain product, but you have stock of that product on the shop floor.
Cin7 Omni does not prevent you from selling stock from the POS when there is no stock in the system. Instead, there are three possible ways to deal with this scenario, as described in the Completing a POS Transaction without Stock  Help article.

Auto adjustments

When an Auto Adjustment is created, the stock will be adjusted immediately but the status of the adjustment will remain set to Open. This allows the adjustments to be scrutinized and prevents any Auto Adjustments from going undetected.

It is recommended to keep a close eye on the Adjustments module to ensure that any Open Auto Adjustments are checked, completed, and finally imported to your Accounting Software.

If you have many Auto Adjustments, it is worth investigating the cause. If you are encountering frequent errors in stock levels, this could indicate a need for a stocktake.


Is it possible to enable auto-adjusting of stock for backend transactions too?

Yes. Contact Cin7 Omni Support to have this enabled. However, if enabled, it is recommended to this feature prudently as normal use of Cin7 Omni should not require Auto Adjustments to be made in the backend.

Can Cin7 Omni go into negative inventory instead?

No, the SOH count cannot become negative. Instead, this situation can be dealt with using one of the methods outlined in the Completing a POS Transaction without Stock Help article, or handled after seven days through Auto Adjustments.

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