Customer promotions

Customer promotions


Customer promotions can apply discounts for a specific customer or group of customers. This uses the promotional matrix.

You can also create promotions for:

  • Products to apply a discount for all sales of a specific product.

  • Categories to apply a discount for all sales of products in a specific category.

B2B online stores will not use customer promotions. You will need to create a B2B promotion.

Enable customer promotions

Before you can apply discounts, you will need to enable the Promotional Matrix for your CRM.
Administrator rights are required.

  1. Select your username in the top right and then select Settings.

  2. Click on CRM and then CRM Settings.

  3. Change Show Advanced Promotional Matrix to Yes then select Save.

Customer Promotions

You can choose to discount products for a customer.



Percentage off price column

Percentage discount off a product's price.

Category discount

Percentage discount off a category of products.

Set price below price column

Set a specific price for a product.

Contract price

Set a specific price which is higher than the customer’s price column.

  1. Select CRM from the left navigation.

  2. Search for your customer, then select the customer's name.

  3. In the Promotional Matrix, select the type of promotion from the dropdown. There are four types of promotions.

  4. Select the Add Promotion button. This will insert a new row for the Promotional Matrix.

  5. Add the Threshold for your discount. This is the amount of items that must be purchased before the discount is applied.

  6. Add the Discount amount. This is either a percentage or a dollar ($) amount. For all currencies, you will need to use the $ symbol before the amount.

  7. In the Group field, you can apply the promotion to specific products or categories.

    • Discount to selected products
      with Code followed by either the product code or SKU of the products you want to discount in square brackets. You can list multiple style codes, product codes, or SKUs with commas inside the brackets.

    • Discount products in a category for specific customers
      Create a category promotion, and add the group name for that category promotion to the group field.

  8. If you want the promotion to run for specific Dates, you can add the start and end date for the promotion. The dates must be in this format:
    For example, 01 JUN 2022|30 JUN 2022

  9. Add a unique Description.

  10. Select Save to apply the new promotion.


Is it possible to discount products for a certain customers?

If you have a few products to discount, you can list their product codes in the Group field for your customer promotion.

If your products all belong to the same category, you can set up a category promotion and a category discount for each customer using the same promotion reference.

  1. Create a category promotion with a 0% discount. In the Group field, add a promotion reference (for example, subscriberdiscount).

  2. Save and Close the category.

  3. Create a category discount customer promotion. Add in the discount you want to give to that customer.

  4. In the Group field, add the same promotion reference that you used in step 1 (for example, subscriber discount).

  5. Save the customer and repeat for all customers who should have the discount.

Can I use the promotional matrix on Units of Measure (UOM)?

If you'd like the promotional matrix functionality to apply to your UOM variants, you'll need to specify the base unit product code and update the Threshold field according to the UOM quantity at which you'd like to provide a discount.

In the above example, the first promotion is the base unit of 1, and another promotion for the UOM quantity of 5.

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