Create a B2B promotion
You can create discounts for product categories on your B2B online stores.
You will first need to install promotions for the B2B online store.
If you use Legacy B2B, you will need to use the promotional matrix instead.
There are some key things to know about B2B promotions:
B2B promotions will not discount alternative units of measure (UOMs).
If there are multiple discounts for a product, the highest discount is applied.
For products with different pricing combinations, the discount is applied on the cheapest product.
If products have a special price and a promotion, the biggest discount is applied. For example, a $100 product has a special price of $60 and a promotion of 10% off, the special price is applied because it is the biggest discount.
Create a B2B promotion
Select Admin in the left navigation pane.
Select Promotions.
Select Create Promotion.
Promotion name
This is the name customers will see on the B2B Online Store, and on receipts and invoices.
The name must let customers understand what kind of discount will be applied. For example, “Get 5% off every 20 items purchased” or “Get $5 off every 20 items purchased” |
Discount type
Select Percentage Discount or Dollar Discount.
Select the discount parameters. (eg., for every buy of y units, get x % off; for every buy of y units, get $ x off).
Enter the discount percentage or the discount value.
Enter the quantity of items a customer must purchase or the minimum amount of money a customer must spend in an order for the promotion to apply.
There is an option to set a maximum quantity or dollar value.
Date and time
Enter a Start Date and End Date for the promotion.
If the Start Date is blank, the promotion will start when Save is selected.
If the End Date is blank, the promotion will run indefinitely.
Applicable customers
Select All Customers, or select customers by price tier or group, or individually.
Applicable products or categories
B2B promotions can apply to either products or categories. You can have a promotion for all products in the t-shirt category, or list the specific t-shirt products in the promotion.
The promotion can be applied to all products or selected products.
You can choose to Include or Exclude the products from the B2B promotion.
Click Select Products and then either search and select specific products or select the All products checkbox to include all products in this promotion.
Selected products will show as a count. You can click on the Selected Products to see a list of all selected products.
The promotion can be applied to all categories or selected categories.
Additional category settings
By default, a customer must purchase products from one category to meet a promotion’s threshold.
Select Apply promotion to products in different categories to allow products from different categories to qualify for a promotion.
For example, with this setting, if a promotion is “Buy 2, get 10% off”, and you have a Shirts product category and a Pants product category, then the purchase of a shirt and pair of pants meets the promotion’s threshold.
Applicable stores
This setting allows all or selected B2B stores to be included in a promotion.
If multiple B2B stores exist, selected stores can be excluded from a promotion.
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