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B2B online store
Cin7 Omni Help Center
B2B online store
Set up a B2B online store
The B2B online store overview
Install a B2B online store
Install B2B promotions
Store details
Seller details
Connect payment portal to a B2B online store
See all 11 articles
Manage a B2B online store
Add products and categories to B2B online store
Hide B2B products
Invite and manage your B2B customers
Change or deactivate a B2B customer
Create a B2B promotion
B2B promotions examples
See all 8 articles
B2B online store for customers
Upload a bulk order
B2B online store for your customers
Credit limit prevents purchases in B2B
Legacy B2B
Migrate from Legacy B2B to B2B online store
Legacy B2B settings
Legacy B2B products and categories
Legacy B2B customers
Edit Legacy B2B pages