Add products and categories to B2B online store

Add products and categories to B2B online store


You can add the products you want to sell to your B2B online store. This can include all active products, or you can choose which products you want to add to your online store.

You can also display a range of categories, change how your products are sorted, or hide product options on your B2B online store.

Legacy B2B has different fields and setup requirements before you can add products.

You can also invite customers to your store and create B2B promotions.

Add products to a B2B online store

You can choose to display All Active Products or Products by Channel in the B2B stock settings.

  1. In the B2B stock settings, tick Products by Channel so you can choose which products you want to add to your B2B online store.
    You can tick All Active Products to automatically add all products to your B2B online store.

  2. Click Products on the left hand navigation.

  3. Select an existing product or create a new product.

  4. In the Classification section, tick the name of your B2B online store as the channel.

  5. Click Save and Close (or another save option). This product will now appear on your B2B online store. Repeat for all products that you want to add.

All products must have a price before they can show on your B2B online store.

Sort products

By default, products are displayed in alphabetical order on a B2B store. However, you can control the order of the products.

  1. Click Products on the left hand navigation.

  2. Select an existing product or create a new product.

  3. In the Website Options section, enter a number in the Sort field. The smallest number will be the first in the list, and the largest number will be the last in the list.

  4. Click Save and Close (or another save option). Repeat for all products on your B2B online store.

Product options

Product options (for example, sizes or colors) will automatically show on your B2B online store when the product is added. You can hide product options by changing the Status to Disabled.

We recommend that you have an image for every product option. If there is no image, the B2B online store will show the main image for the product.

You can also sort your product options within a product. By default, Product Options display on a B2B store in alphabetical order. Alternatively, they can be displayed in a different order of preference

  1. Click Products on the left hand navigation.

  2. Select an existing product or create a new product.

  3. In the Product Options section, enter a number in the Sort field. The smallest number will be the first in the list, and the largest number will be the last in the list.

  4. Repeat for all product options on your B2B online store.

  5. Click Save and Close (or another save option).

Show categories on a B2B online store

You can organize the products in your B2B online store by your product categories.

When your products are organized by category, your visitors will see a list of categories in your B2B online store. And when they open a category, they’ll see the products in it.

To organize your products by category, you must have created your categories and added products to them. Then you must enable the categories that you want your B2B online store visitors to see:

  1. From the navigation, open Products.

  2. Click Edit category next to the category to show in your B2B online store.

  3. Under B2B Website Options, set Show Category on B2B to Show.

  4. Click Save and Close.

By default, your visitors will only see categories with products available to them - that is, if the products in a B2B-enabled category are hidden from a visitor, then that category won't be visible to that visitor.

However, to improve the overall performance of your B2B online store, you can make all B2B enabled categories visible to all visitors, even if the products are hidden from the current visitor:

  1. From the Integrations menu in the navigation, open your B2B online store.

  2. Open Settings (the cog icon).

  3. Disable Dynamic Categories.

  4. Select Save Settings.

Sort categories

By default, categories are displayed alphabetically on a B2B store. However, you can control the order of the categories.

  1. Click Products on the left hand navigation.

  2. Click the Edit category icon next to the category you would like to add. You can also create a new category or sub-category.

  3. In the B2B Website Options section, enter a number in the Sort field.The smallest number will be the first in the list, and the largest number will be the last in the list.


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