Change or deactivate a B2B customer

Change or deactivate a B2B customer


You can invite contacts from your CRM to create an account for that store after it has been set up. Customers then receive an email (to their CRM email address) with a link to set up their password.

Customers may need to change their password or email address for your B2B online store. They can reset their own passwords, but you need to change their email address in the CRM.

You can also deactivate B2B customers. This will remove their access to your B2B online store. Any deactivated customer can be re-enabled.  

Reset B2B online store password

Customers can reset their own password for your B2B online store.

  1. Go to the login page for the B2B online store.

  2. Click on Forgot password?

  3. Enter the login email address and click Send Link.

  4. An email will be sent to that email address with a link to Reset my password.

  5. You can then reset the password and login.

Update email address

B2B customers need to have their email address changed in the CRM ​​​​. This will update the email address that customer uses to log into the B2B online store. The customer will receive an email to the new and old email addresses about the change. Deactivated customers will not receive any emails and pending customers receive another invitation email.

The email address will update after 1 hour.

If customers need to login in immediately, you can manually update the B2B online store with the new CRM email address.

  1. In the B2B Dashboard, select the three dot menu.

  2. Select Update emails from CRM.

This will not update any B2B customers on the B2B Dashboard Error tab.

Deactivate a customer

Deactivating a customer will prevent them from logging into your B2B online store. They will then appear in the Deactivated Customers tab.

  1. Open the Current Customers tab in your B2B Dashboard or Search Customers.

  2. Find the customer you want to deactivate and click on the three dots in their row.

  3. Click Deactivate customer.

Re-enable a customer

You can re-enable a customer that was deactivated. They will then appear on the Current Customer tab and can log into your B2B online store.

  1. Open the Deactivated Customers tab in your B2B Dashboard or Search Customers.

  2. Find the customer you want to re-enable and click on the three dots in their row.

  3. Click Re-enable customer.

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