B2B promotions examples

B2B promotions examples


You can create percentage and dollar discounts with B2B promotions. There are a range of different types of discounts you can choose from.

You will need to have installed a B2B online store and B2B promotions.

Legacy B2B does not use B2B promotions. You will need to create promotions with the promotional matrix.

Percentage discount

X% off every y units you buy

For example, a 10% discount is applied to the price of every 2 units purchased by a customer.

Units purchased x regular price


Customer pays

1 x $10

No discount


2 x $10

10% off the first 2 units


3 x $10

10% off the first 2 units but 3rd unit is full price


4 x $10

10% off the first 2 units and second 2 units


5 x $10

10% off the first 2 units and second 2 units but 5th unit is full price


X% off when you buy y units or more

For example, a 10% discount is applied to the total when a customer purchases a minimum of 2 units.

Units purchased x regular price


Customer pays

1 x $10

No discount


2 x $10

10% off the total


3 x $10

10% off the total


4 x $10

10% off the total


Every y units you buy, get x% off the next unit

For example, for every 2 units bought, the third unit has a 10% discount.

Units purchased x regular price


Customer pays

1 x $10

No discount


2 x $10

No discount


3 x $10

10% off the 3rd unit


4 x $10

10% off the 3rd unit but 4th unit is full price


5 x $10

10% off the 3rd unit but 4th and 5th units are full price


6 x $10

10% off the 3rd and 6th units


X% off every $y you spend

For example, a 10% discount is applied to every $100 a customer spends.

Purchase value


Customer pays


No discount



10% off the first $100



10% off the first $100



10% off the first $100 and second $100


X% off when you spend $y or more

For example, a 10% discount is applied to the total when a customer spends a minimum of $100.

Purchase value


Customer pays


No discount



10% off total



10% off total



10% off total


Flat x% off

For example, a 10% discount is applied to the total.

Dollar discount

$x off for every y units bought

$5 is deducted from the total for every 2 units purchased by a customer.

Units purchased x regular price


Customer pays

1 x $10

No discount


2 x $10

$5 off the first 2 units


3 x $10

$5 off the first 2 units but 3rd unit is full price


4 x $10

$5 off the first 2 units and second 2 units


$x off when you buy y or more units

For example, $5 is deducted from the total when a customer purchases a minimum of 2 units.

Units purchased x regular price


Customer pays

1 x $10

No discount


2 x $10

$5 off the total


3 x $10

$5 off the total


4 x $10

$5 off the total


For every y units you buy, get $x off the next unit

For example, for every 2 units you buy, get $1 off the next unit you buy.

Units purchased x regular price


Customer pays

1 x $10

No discount


2 x $10

No discount


3 x $10

$1 off the 3rd unit


4 x $10

$1off the 3rd unit but 4th unit is full price


5 x $10

$1 off the 3rd unit but 4th and 5th units are full price


6 x $10

$1 off the 3rd and 6th units


$x off every $y you spend

For example, $5 is deducted from the total for every $100 a customer spends.

Purchase value


Customer pays


No discount



$5 off the first $100



$5 off the first $100



$5 off the first $100 and second $100


$x off when you spend $y or more

For example, $5 is deducted from the total when a customer spends a minimum of $100.

Purchase value


Customer pays


No discount



$5 off the total



$5 off the total



$5 off the total


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