Hide B2B products

Hide B2B products


You can hide products from certain customers in your B2B online store using price tiers. For example, you might have some customers who can purchase a product with VIP price. You would want to hide these products from your other customers.

You will need to have a different price tier for your VIP customers and for your other customers. Depending on their price tier in the CRM, they will see the relevant price in the B2B online store.

This works well if you have customer groups who need to see different products. We do not recommend this if you want to hide products (or show products) to just one customer.

Add price tiers to CRM

Each pricing group should have its own price tier. For example, we will use the Retail and VIP price tiers. Retail will be our normal price, and VIP our exclusive price. If you had many different customer price groups, you will need to create more price tiers.

After you have set up your price tiers, update your B2B customers to use that pricing tier.

  1. In the navigation, select CRM.

  2. Search for the customer you want to add to a price tier. For example, search for customers who would belong to the VIP pricing group.

  3. Under Contact Details, select the relevant Pricing Tier (e.g. VIP).

  4. Select Save.

If you need to change the pricing tiers for many customers, you can bulk update contacts.

Hide products

After your customers have the correct price tiers, you can change your product pricing to hide the product in the B2B online store.

  1. In the navigation, select Products.

  2. Open a B2B product. Under Pricing:

    1. If this product is available to only some customers, add the exclusive price tier only. For example, this product is only available to VIP customers for $20. Retail and Wholesale customers have no price - the field is blank. The B2B online store will hide products for customers with the Retail and Wholesale price tier and show products to customers with the VIP price tier.

    2. If the product is available to all B2B customers, add prices for all tiers. For example, VIP customers can buy this product for $20, but Retail and Wholesale customers buy it for $30.

  3. Select Save and Close.

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