Seller details

Seller details


You can add a terms and conditions page, and two other custom pages (for example, About Us or Contact Us) to your B2B online store. Your customers will find these pages in the B2B store left navigation pane. If a field is left empty, the page will not appear on the B2B store.

You may need to setup your:

Open seller details

  1. Select Integrations from the left navigation and then select your B2B online store.

  2. Select the cog icon to open Settings.

  3. Click on the Seller Details tab.

  4. Change any of the settings below and then select Save Settings.

Terms and conditions

Add the terms and conditions for purchasing any of your products in this text box. You can use the format editor to add styling.

Custom page 1

You can add the title for this page. If it is left blank, this will appear as an About Us page. You can use the format editor to add styling for the page text.

Custom page 2

You can add the title for this page. If it is left blank, this will appear as an Contact Us page. You can use the format editor to add styling for the page text.

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