Checkout settings

Checkout settings


You can customize your checkout page in the B2B online store. You can also connect a payment gateway to let customers purchase your products in the B2B online store directly.

You may need to setup your:

Open checkout settings

  1. Select Integrations from the left navigation and then select your B2B online store.

  2. Select the cog icon to open Settings.

  3. Click on the Checkout Settings tab.

  4. Change any of the settings below and then select Save Settings.

Checkout summary text

Text entered here will appear below the Order Summary on the checkout page:

Payment methods

Select the Payment Methods that will be available to users. You can connect a payment gateway to your B2B online store.

If both payment options are selected, the buyer will see both options in the B2B Online Store unless the customer is charged 100% deposit.  When a customer is charged 100% deposit, the On Account payment method will not be displayed.

Hide from checkout

Select the checkbox if you want to hide the Preferred Delivery Date from your B2B checkout page.

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