Dispatch stock

Dispatch stock


When you apply stock in a transaction, Cin7 Omni recognizes that a certain stock quantity is dispatched, and the inventory is adjusted accordingly.

Usually, when using standard FIFO products, entering a Fully Dispatched date automatically applies all stock in an order - effectively dispatching all goods and adjusting the inventory.

Manually dispatch stock

You can also manually apply stock to a transaction. This can happen because:

  • You are selling batch or serial stock

  • You want to dispatch specific stock (stock purchased at a cheaper price, or from a specific zone and bin)

  • You are creating a backorder.

You can dispatch/apply specific stock:

  1. Create a new sales order for the product you are wanting to sell.

  2. In the Qty Dispatch field, use the green arrows to select the stock you are wanting to dispatch.

  3. Click Save. The specific stock you have chosen will be dispatched.

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