Print labels
There are two ways to print labels - you can print a label for each product in POS, or print all the labels for products in a Purchase Order or Adjustment.
Print label screen
Once you have navigated to the label printing page, you are able to customize the label before printing it. In the Label screen, in the top half of the screen are the various settings.
Change the size of the label depending on your label printer.
Choose which information you would like showing on your label.
Change whether the barcode "lines" are created using the Code or the Barcode number.
(You can insert blanks into your layouts if you need to print to specific Avery labels on a page that has been partially used. You can also print multiples of your labels if need be by entering a number into the copies field.
Print any barcodes using a spreadsheet to upload the data. More information on this feature is available in a separate article.
Preview what the label will look like when printed.
Print labels
When you click print, the labels will be sent to your web browser's print dialogue. What appears in the preview may not necessarily match what is in Cin7 Omni - yet. The trick here is to make the paper size and orientation align with what is being sent. If Cin7 Omni is sending a label that is a certain width, but the page size is a different width, the label will not print correctly.
You may have to adjust various elements with the printer, such as width, size, or borders before you get a clear label.
General label advice
Creating barcodes that are a good length and are readable by a scanner is the ultimate goal of printing a label. There are a few things you can do to optimize labels to this end.
Barcode lines can often become unreadable if your Product Codes are very long, or include characters such as [ . - / * ]. In these cases, it is advisable to make use of the Barcode field in Cin7 Omni. Ideally, these would be numerical codes with a length between 6 - 14 characters.
If using the Barcode field you may also like to click the "Show Style Code" checkbox to include a code next to the product name.
Cin7 Omni can generate barcodes automatically for new fashion products that have a size range. Alternatively, you can bulk update your products and generate barcodes in Microsoft Excel.
Printing labels from unsupported label printers is possible, but not recommended. If you are having issues printing from an unsupported label printer, take a look through the questions below and see if they help.
When I press print, no preview comes up in the browser dialog
This usually means your web browser's print dialogue is trying to generate the wrong size label. Make sure you change your Paper Size and Margins selections to User Defined and None. If this does not help, you may need to make the paper size smaller in your preferences.
When my label prints, the barcode is blurry
The barcode lines are an image file; when scaled incorrectly they can sometimes become blurry. Finding the right match between paper size and label setting in Cin7 Omni should resolve this issue. This is usually caused by the paper size width being too small. Try increasing it if there is space available, also try using Continuous Wide instead of Continuous Standard.
I scan the barcode with my scanner but nothing happens in Cin7 Omni
First, you'll need to find out if the barcode scanner is working at all. Try opening a Notepad or TextEdit, then scanning a barcode that you know works. If the scanner is working, the code should appear on screen. If it doesn't, please contact your scanner manufacturer for information on how to configure the scanner.
I scan a barcode but a product does not appear in Cin7 Omni
Is the barcode that you've printed correct? To find out, open Notepad or TextEdit, then scan the barcode. Compare the result to what is entered in Cin7 Omni. If the numbers printed to the screen are missing characters, it is possible that the printable area was not wide enough and therefore lines may have been cut off.
Scanning a barcode brings up multiple products
Check to make sure you do not have duplicate barcodes in your products module. If your barcodes are variable in length, ensure that no barcode number is included in another longer barcode number eg: barcode number 1234 will also return search results for 512345.
Can I customize these labels
CSS customization is available for custom labels. Cin7 Omni does not offer this service, however you can use a developer to build the code and add it in the Custom label section. To access this space, you can click on your Account name on the top right, select Settings, select Products and Custom Labels.