Product barcodes
A barcode is a machine-readable representation of a code, used to identify a product or document to which it is attached. Barcodes are usually associated with 12-digit UPC codes or 13-digit EAN-codes, but they can in fact be created based on any type of code made of numbers or letters.
In Cin7 Omni, you can use a barcode scanner, in combination with the POS, to enter products into a transaction quickly and easily.
It is not necessary to have a barcode to create a label that can be scanned into the POS. This is because Cin7 Omni can create a label based on the SKU. Unique SKUs for each product are required for the system to run correctly - see our article on Product Codes (SKUs).
When you scan a product, Cin7 Omni checks both the barcode and SKU field for a matching code. Your labels can be made from a mix of barcodes and SKUs and still work correctly.
You may choose to use the barcode field for printing labels if your codes are too long or too short or use characters other than letters and numbers, eg. CRT-6D/R5#6. Numeric barcodes generally result in a better quality barcode label when printed. It is recommended to use barcodes between 8 - 16 characters long.
Existing barcodes
If your products have existing barcodes, they can be stored in a specific field in the product details page called Barcode.
For single items, the barcode field is here:
For products with multiple sizes, the barcode fields are here:
Existing tags or labels on your stock will work, provided their codes match the barcode field.
Create labels
Cin7 Omni can create labels based on SKUs or Barcodes. For general label printing options, see Label Printing.