Shopify settings
Find a description of each Shopify integration setting to help you configure your integration.
Configure your Shopify integration to keep Cin7 Omni and Shopify in sync:
Log in to Cin7 Omni.
From the Integrations menu in the navigation, select your Shopify integration.
Select Settings.
Open the Settings tab.
Remember to Save after configuring your settings.
Product settings
If you want to download products from Shopify, turn on Products to
show the Product Status and Product Activity tiles on the dashboard
show the Download Products button on the Product Status tile
show other product settings.
Then find out more about downloading products from Shopify to Cin7 Omni.
Download Products
Download Products shows the time and date that products were last downloaded from Shopify. Products created before this time and date won’t download again.
Download Product Images
If you want to download images from Shopify, select Download Product Images to
show the Download Product Images button on the Product Status tile
show the Import Product Images checkbox when downloading products.
Then find out more about downloading images from Shopify to Cin7 Omni.
Upload Products
If you want to upload products to Shopify, select Upload Products to
show the Upload Products button on the Product Status tile
show the Inventory Policy setting.
Then find out more about uploading products from Cin7 Omni to Shopify.
Inventory Policy
Choose an Inventory Policy for products uploaded to Shopify:
Cannot buy out-of-stock items: In Shopify, Continue Selling When Out of Stock will be unselected.
Allow Purchase of Out-of-Stock Items: In Shopify, Continue Selling When Out of Stock will be selected (unless the Cin7 Omni product’s Order Type is Limited Stock).
If Continue Selling When Out of Stock is selected in Shopify, Shopify products can be sold when they’re out of stock. Find out more about selling out-of-stock products in Shopify.
Upload Product Options
If you want to upload new product options (variants) to Shopify, select Upload Product Options to
show the Upload Product Options button on the Product Status tile
show the Upload Product Options After setting.
Then find out more about uploading product options (variants) from Cin7 Omni to Shopify.
Upload Product Options After
Upload Product Options After shows the time and date that product options (variants) were last uploaded to Shopify. Options (variants) created before this time and date won’t upload again.
Update Products
If you want to upload product updates to Shopify, select Update Products to
show the Update Products button on the Product Status tile
show other product update settings.
Edit Field Mappings
Select Edit Field Mappings to open the Update Recently Modified Products Field Mapping page, where you can map Cin7 Omni product fields to Shopify product fields. When you upload changes to Cin7 Omni products to mapped Shopify products, the Cin7 Omni field data will replace the Shopify field data.
Update Product Options After
Update Product Options After shows the time and date that changes to Cin7 Omni products were last uploaded to mapped Shopify products. Changes applied before this time and date won’t upload again.
Enable Image Updates
If you want to upload changes to product images to Shopify, select Enable Images Updates to show the Update Images checkbox when uploading changes to mapped Cin7 Omni products to Shopify.
When uploading changes to Shopify, select Update Images to upload new images for Shopify products without images and for Shopify products with outdated images.
Update Pricing
If you want to upload product price changes to Shopify, select Update Pricing to
show the Update Recent Modified Pricing button on the Product Activity tile
show the Update Pricing After setting.
Then find out more about uploading price changes from Cin7 Omni to Shopify.
Update Pricing After
Update Pricing After shows the time and date that price changes to Cin7 Omni products were last uploaded to mapped Shopify products. Price changes applied before this time and date won’t upload again.
Price Tier
When you upload prices to Shopify, each Cin7 Omni product’s price at this Price Tier will become either
the Price of the mapped Shopify product if and only if the Cin7 Omni product’s special price is inactive, else
the Compare At Price of the mapped Shopify product if and only if the Cin7 Omni product’s special price is active.
Special Price
When you upload prices to Shopify, the price of each Cin7 Omni product at this Special Price tier will become the Price of the mapped Shopify product if and only if the Cin7 Omni product’s special price is active.
Disable Products
Select Disable Products to
show the Disable Products button on the Product Status tile
show the Disable Products Updated After This Date and Time setting.
On the dashboard, select Disable Products to open the Shopify Disable Products page. On this page, select Disable Recently Modified Products to remove Shopify products from all Shopify sales channels and apps if the mapped Cin7 Omni product has had its Display setting set to Turn Off / Inactive.
Find out more about removing disabled Cin7 Omni products from Shopify sales channels and apps.
Disable Products Updated After This Date and Time
Disable Products Updated After This Date and Time shows the time and date that Shopify products were last removed from all Shopify sales channels and apps because the Display settings of the mapped Cin7 Omni products were set to Turn Off / Inactive. Shopify products won’t be removed from Shopify sales channels and apps if the Display settings of the mapped Cin7 Omni products were set to Turn Off / Inactive before this time and date.
Stock settings
If you want to upload stock levels to Shopify, turn on Stock to
show the Stock Activity and Stock Update Status tiles on the dashboard
show the Update Recent Modified Stock and Update All Stock buttons on the Stock Update Status tile
show other stock settings.
Then use the settings Get Stock Levels From and Type of Stock Level To Use on Shopify to configure how stock levels are calculated, and find out more about uploading stock levels from Cin7 Omni to Shopify.
Update Stock Levels
Update Stock Levels shows the time and date that the stock levels of recently modified mapped products were last uploaded to Shopify (that is, the last time Update Recent Modified Stock was executed).
Auto-Sync Stock
Select Auto-Sync Stock to have Cin7 Omni stock levels automatically uploaded to Shopify whenever Shopify sales orders are downloaded.
Get Stock Levels From
The total level of stock (as calculated by the setting Type of Stock Levels To Use on Shopify) of each Cin7 Omni product at the Get Stock Levels From branch (or branches) will become the level of stock of mapped Shopify products when you upload their stock levels to Shopify (unless you’ve mapped Cin7 Omni branches to Shopify locations using the Map Warehouses setting).
Type of Stock Level To Use on Shopify
Use Type of Stock Level To Use on Shopify to choose how to calculate the level of stock to upload to Shopify:
Stock Available: Use the product’s Stock Avail.
Stock on Hand: Use the product’s SOH.
SOH Less Open Orders Within 7 Days of ETD: Use the product’s SOH less the total Qty Ordered of open sales orders with ETDs in seven days.
SOH Less Open Orders Within 30 Days of ETD: Use the product’s SOH less the total Qty Ordered of open sales orders with ETDs in thirty days.
Stock Available + Incoming Stock: Use the product’s Stock Avail plus the total Qty Ordered of open purchase orders.
Stock Available + Incoming Stock Within 7 Days of ETD: Use the product’s Stock Avail plus the total Qty Ordered of open purchase orders with ETDs in seven days.
Stock Available + Incoming Stock Within 30 Days of ETD: Use the product’s Stock Avail plus the total Qty Ordered of open purchase orders with ETDs in thirty days.
The stock levels calculated by this setting are modified by the settings Set Buffer Stock and Set Maximum Stock Levels.
Set Buffer Stock
The Set Buffer Stock quantity is subtracted from each product’s stock level uploaded to Shopify, so your Shopify stock levels are conservative estimates. You can’t use Set Buffer Stock with Set Maximum Stock Levels.
Set Maximum Stock Levels
The stock levels uploaded to Shopify won’t exceed the Set Maximum Stock Levels quantity. You can’t use Set Maximum Stock Levels with Set Buffer Stock.
Map Warehouses
Select Map Warehouse to show the Branch–Warehouse Table and map Cin7 Omni branches to Shopify locations. When you upload stock levels to Shopify, each Shopify location will take its stock level from the Cin7 Omni branch or branches it’s mapped to.
Select Refresh Warehouse Options to download an up-to-date list of Shopify locations to the Branch–Warehouse Table.
Branch–Warehouse Table
Use the Branch–Warehouse Table to map Cin7 Omni branches to Shopify locations. When you upload stock levels to Shopify, each Shopify location will take its stock level from the Cin7 Omni branch or branches it’s mapped to.
Enable UOM Mapping
Select Enable UOM Mapping to map Cin7 Omni units of measure (UOMs) to Shopify. Then find out more about setting up UOMs and mapping UOMs to Shopify.
Download orders settings
If you want to download sales orders from Shopify, turn on Download Orders to
show the Order Activity and Order Status tiles on the dashboard
show the Download Orders buttons on the Order Activity tile
show other sales order settings.
Then find out more about downloading sales orders from Shopify to Cin7 Omni.
Download Orders Updated in Shopify After
Download Orders Updated in Shopify After shows the time and date that new sales orders were last downloaded from Shopify (that is, the last time Download Orders was executed). Sales orders created in Shopify after this time and date won’t download again.
Download Orders Created in Shopify After
Sales orders created in Shopify before the Download Orders Created in Shopify After time and date will never download.
Automatic Order Downloads
Select Automatic Order Downloads to
automatically download new sales orders from Shopify at least once every two hours
show the Force Daily Auto Order Downloads setting.
Force Daily Auto Order Downloads
New sales orders will download from Shopify every day at the Force Daily Auto Order Downloads time.
Payment Status
If you want to download Shopify sales orders with certain payment statuses only, set Download Shopify Orders Based on Financial Status Filter to Yes and select payment statuses from the list.
Only sales orders with the payment statuses you’ve selected will be downloaded; if you haven't selected any, sales orders with any payment status will be downloaded.
Find out more about Shopify payment statuses.
Set Default Stage for Shopify Orders
Use Set Default Stage for Shopify Orders to choose a default Stage for new sales orders downloaded from Shopify.
Download Fraud Warnings
Shopify can analyze sales orders for fraud and mark risky sales orders with fraud warnings.
Set Download Fraud Warnings to Yes to download fraud warnings when you download new sales orders from Shopify, so you don’t dispatch a risky sales order.
If you download a sales order with a fraud warning, Cin7 Omni will
set its Stage to Fraud Warning
set its 3PL Status to Do Not Transfer
set its Cin7 Status to Open.
Before dispatching a risky sales order, read the fraud analysis and verify or cancel the order in Shopify. Cin7 Omni will update the risky sales order, according to your Shopify integration settings, the next time you download orders from Shopify.
If your Shopify store is integrated with Global-e, your can download Global-e's fraud warnings too. Contact us and ask how.
Mark PayPal Payments as Paid
If a customer pays for a Shopify purchase with PayPal, Shopify will set the sales order’s Payment Status to Pending while PayPal processes the transaction.
If you’ve set Mark PayPal Payment as Paid to Yes, Cin7 Omni will mark the sales orders with pending PayPal payments as Paid.
Enable Credit Note
If you want to download credit notes from Shopify, select Enable Credit Note to
show the Credit Note Activity tile on the dashboard
automatically download credit notes when sales orders are downloaded from Shopify
show other credit note settings.
Then find out more about downloading credit notes from Shopify to Cin7 Omni. You should complete credit notes in Cin7 Omni (rather than Shopify) to keep stock levels in sync.
Credit Note Default 3PL Status
Use Credit Note Default 3PL Status to choose a default 3PL Status for credit notes downloaded from Shopify.
Credit Note Default Accounting Status
Use Credit Note Default Accounting Status to choose a default Accounting Status for credit notes downloaded from Shopify.
Auto Dispatch Orders
Use Auto Dispatch Orders to automatically dispatch sales orders downloaded from Shopify:
Yes: The sales order’s Cin7 Status and Stage will be set to Dispatched and its Fully Dispatched Date will be set to the time and date it was downloaded. Only FIFO line items with stock available will be dispatched.
Yes - Completed Order Only: The sales order’s Cin7 Status and Stage will be set to Dispatched and its Fully Dispatched Date will be set to the time and date it was downloaded if and only if the sales order has already been fulfilled in Shopify and all line items can be dispatched in Cin7 Omni. Only FIFO line items with stock available will be dispatched.
If you select this option and then, after downloading a sales order to Omni, dispatch that order in Shopify, the Omni sales order will get automatically dispatched the next time you download sales orders (so long as each line item can be dispatched).
Yes - Complete Orders Only (Ignore Stock): The sales order’s Cin7 Status and Stage will be set to Dispatched and its Fully Dispatched Date will be set to the time and date it was downloaded if and only if the sales order has already been fulfilled in Shopify. Only FIFO line items with stock available will be dispatched.
If you select this option and then, after downloading a sales order to Omni, dispatch that order in Shopify, the Omni sales order will get automatically dispatched the next time you download sales orders.
No: The sales order’s Cin7 Status will be set to Open and its Stage will be set to your Shopify integration’s default stage (that is, according to the setting Set Default Stage for Shopify Orders). The sales order and all line items must be manually dispatched.
Some sales orders and line items won’t automatically dispatch if you split orders or download fraud warnings. To split sales orders, use the setting Split Orders. And to download fraud warnings, use the setting Download Fraud Warnings.
Automatically Load BOMs for Kits
Use Automatically Load BOMs for Kits to choose how to dispatch BOM line items:
No: The line item’s BOM won’t expand. Existing units of the finished product can be dispatched.
Yes: The line item’s BOM will expand; each component of the finished product will be shown as a separate line item. To dispatch the finished product, you must dispatch each component separately, reducing their individual stock levels. Only products with Order Types of Kit will have their BOMs load.
Estimated Time of Delivery
Use Estimated Time of Delivery to choose how to calculate the ETD of sales orders downloaded from Shopify:
[blank]: Don’t calculate an ETD.
Created Date: Use the time and date the sales order was created in Shopify.
Current Date: Use the time and date the sales order was downloaded from Shopify to Cin7 Omni.
Update order status settings
Enable Update Order Status
If you want to upload sales order status changes to Shopify, select Enable Update Order Status to
show the Update Dispatched Orders button on the Order Status tile
show other order update settings.
Then find out more about uploading sales order status changes to Shopify from Cin7 Omni.
Update Order Status Changes Made in Cin7 After
Update Order Status Changes Made in Cin7 After shows the time and date that changes to the statuses of Cin7 Omni sales orders were last uploaded to mapped Shopify sales orders. Changes applied before this time and date won’t upload again.
Order Status Auto Update
Select Order Status Auto Update to automatically upload changes to the statuses of sales orders.
Restrict Order Status Updates
Set Restrict Order Status Updates to Tracking Code and only sales orders with a Tracking Code will have changes to their statuses uploaded from Cin7 Omni to Shopify.
Branches settings
Download Orders To
Use Download Orders To to choose a default Branch for sales orders downloaded from Shopify. Sales orders are dispatched from their Branch, which you can change before they’re dispatched.
Set Default 3PL Transfer Status
Use Set Default 3PL Transfer Status to choose a default 3PL Status for sales orders downloaded from Shopify.
The 3PL Status of sales orders marked for fraud by Shopify will be set to Do Not Transfer, if you download fraud warnings. To download fraud warnings, use the setting Download Fraud Warnings.
Enable Branch Routing
Set Enable Branch Routing to Configure Branches to set the Branch of sales orders downloaded from Shopify depending on their shipping addresses, shipping options, and the availability of stock at different branches. A sales order is dispatched from its Branch, which you can change before it’s dispatched.
Find out more about branch routing.
Split Orders
Select Split Orders to dispatch sales orders from up to three different branches when the preferred branch has insufficient stock. Use the Branch Routing Grid to configure how sales orders are split.
When a sales order is split, a separate sales order is created for each branch dispatching part of the sales order. The original sales order’s payments and discounts are split across sales orders based on which products they’re dispatching. Freight costs are not split. Billing and shipping details, as well as the freight descriptions, are copied to each sales order. Find out more about branch routing and split sales orders.
Split Orders won’t work with Auto Dispatch Orders.
Keep Default Branch
If you select Keep Default Branch, the Branch Routing Grid will be used to assign sales orders to Distribution Branches while leaving the Branch of the sales order as the default branch (that is, the branch of the setting Download Orders To).
Find out more about distribution branches.
Branch Routing Grid
Use the Branch Routing Grid to set the Branch of sales orders depending on their shipping addresses (specifically, their country and state) and their shipping options.
If you’ve enabled Split Orders, use the Branch Routing Grid to select up to two backup branches to split sales orders across when the preferred branch has insufficient stock, too.
The Branch of sales orders that don’t fit the Branch Routing Grid rules will be set to the default branch (that is, the branch of the setting Download Orders To).
Customer tracking settings
Assign Downloaded Orders To
Use Assign Downloaded Orders To to choose which Cin7 Omni customer each sales order downloaded from Shopify is assigned to:
If customer ID or email exists update customer else insert new customer: Assign the sales order to an existing customer with the same email or ID and save new details. If none exists, create a new customer.
If a customer ID or email exists do not update else insert a new customer: Assign the sales order to an existing customer with the same email or ID and don’t save new details. If none exists, create a new customer.
If a customer ID exists do not update else assign to select customer: Assign the sales order to an existing customer with the same ID and don’t save new details. If none exists, assign to the default customer (see below).
- If email exists update customer else insert new customer: Assign the sales order to an existing customer with the same email. If none exists, create a new customer. Else, if the customer of the sales order has no email, assign the sales order to the cash customer.
If email exists update customer else assign to selected customer: Assign the sales order to an existing customer with the same email. If none exists, assign to the default customer. Else, if no default customer is selected or the customer of the sales order has no email, assign the sales order to the cash customer.
Assign to selected customer: Assign the sales order to the default customer (see below) or else, if no default customer is selected, the cash customer.
If you’ve chosen to have sales orders from Shopify assigned to the default customer under some circumstance, you can choose to either
assign the same default customer to all sales orders,
assign a different default customer for each branch, or
assign a different default customer for each distribution branch.
To assign the same default customer to all sales orders, set Customer branch assignment to Use default customer for all branches, and then enter the default customer into the field Default customer for orders if no customer branches are defined.
To assign a different default customer for each branch or distribution branch, set Customer branch assignment to either Order branch or Distribution branch, and then use the Branch–Customer Table to set the default customer for each branch or distribution branch.
Assign to CRM Customer Group
Use Assign to CRM Customer Group to set a Group for new customers.
Select Customer Report Group Settings to open the CRM Customer Group settings page, where you can add a new customer group.
Customer Payment Terms
Use Customer Payment Terms to set a Payment Term for new customers.
Select Payment Terms Settings to open the Payment Terms settings page, where you can add a new payment term.
Customer Price Tier
Use Customer Price Tier to set a Pricing Tier for new customers.
Customer GL Account
Use Customer GL Account to set an Alternative GL Account for new customers.
Select Alternative GL Account Settings to open the Alternative GL Accounts settings page, where you can create a new alternative GL account. If you use QuickBooks Online, don’t create a new alternative GL account in Cin7 Omni. You must create the alternative GL account in QuickBooks Online and download it to Cin7 Omni instead.
Notify Customer on Fulfillment
Set Notify Customer on Fulfillment to Yes and the customer will be notified by email once you’ve dispatched their sales order. This email is sent from Shopify, where the same setting must be enabled.
Accounting settings
Invoice Options
If you want to batch sales orders and credit notes downloaded from Shopify, set Invoice Options to Allow Batch Invoices:
sales orders downloaded from Shopify won’t be given Invoice Dates (and so won’t be shown on your accounting integration dashboard) and
the Batch Payments button will be shown on the Order Status tile on the dashboard.
Then you can batch your Shopify transactions.
If you don’t want to batch transactions from Shopify, set Invoice Options to Import Invoices Individually. Sales orders downloaded from Shopify will be given Invoice Dates and can be synced individually with your accounting software.
Default Accounting Status
Use Default Accounting Status to set the Accounting Invoice Status of sales orders downloaded from Shopify. This setting may be overridden for some sales orders if you’ve selected the setting Channel Mapping Enabled.
Order Payment Terms
Use Order Payment Terms to set the Payment Terms of sales orders downloaded from Shopify:
Always Use Contact: Use the customer’s Payment Terms.
Use Contact If Not Blank Otherwise Use Specified Value: Use the customer’s Payment Terms, and if their Payment Terms is blank, use the default payment terms.
Always Use Specified Value: Use the default payment terms.
Use the empty field to choose a default payment terms for sales orders downloaded from Shopify. Select Payment Terms Settings to open the Payment Terms settings page, where you can add new payment terms.
Order Price Tier
Use Order Price Tier to set the Price Tier of sales orders downloaded from Shopify:
Always Use Contact: Use the customer’s Pricing Tier.
Use Contact If Not Blank Otherwise Use Specified Value: Use the customer’s Pricing Tier, and if their Pricing Tier is blank, use the default price tier.
Always Use Specified Value: Use the default price tier.
Use the empty field to choose a default price tier for sales orders downloaded from Shopify.
Order GL Account
Use Order GL Account to set the Alternative GL Account of sales orders downloaded from Shopify:
Always Use Contact: Use the customer’s Alternative GL Account.
Use Contact If Not Blank Otherwise Use Specified Value: Use the customer’s Alternative GL Account, and if their Alternative GL Account is blank, use the default alternative GL account.
Always Use Specified Value: Use the default alternative GL account.
Use the empty field to choose a default alternative GL account for sales orders downloaded from Shopify. This setting may be overridden for some sales orders if you’ve selected the setting Channel Mapping Enabled.
Select Alternative GL Account Settings to open the Alternative GL Accounts settings page, where you can create a new alternative GL account. If you use QuickBooks Online, don’t create a new alternative GL account in Cin7 Omni. You must create the alternative GL account in QuickBooks Online and download it to Cin7 Omni instead.
Channel Mapping Enabled
Select Channel Mapping Enabled and use the table to allocate sales orders to alternative GL accounts, and set their QAccounting Invoice Statuses, depending on their tags and sales channels.
Select Add New Channel Map to add a new row to the table.
Line item settings
Add Fields To Line Notes
Set Add Fields To Line Notes to Yes to include data from Shopify in the Notes column of line items in sales orders downloaded from Shopify.
Gift Voucher Settings
Gift Vouchers
If you want to sync gift vouchers between Cin7 Omni and Shopify, turn on Gift Vouchers to show gift voucher settings.
Voucher Sync
Set Voucher Sync to Yes to
show the Gift Voucher Activity and Gift Voucher Status tiles on the dashboard
show the Download Vouchers button on the Gift Voucher Activity tile
show the Upload New Vouchers button on the Gift Voucher Status tile.
To sync gift vouchers, you must also have entered your Shopify custom app’s credentials into the settings Private App Key and Private App Password.
When gift vouchers are in sync, their remaining values will update in Cin7 Omni and Shopify on redemption.
Find out more about syncing gift vouchers between Cin7 Omni and Shopify.
Auto Upload Gift Vouchers
Select Auto Upload Gift Vouchers to have new Cin7 Omni gift vouchers uploaded to Shopify automatically.
Additional settings
Primary Location
Use Primary Location to select a Shopify location to upload Cin7 Omni stock levels to. This setting will be overridden if you map warehouses. To map warehouses, use the Map Warehouses setting.
Select Refresh Warehouse Options to download an up-to-date list of Shopify locations to the Primary Location setting’s list.
Product Weight Unit
Use Product Weight Unit to set the unit of measurement for the weight of products uploaded to Shopify. Cin7 Omni will not convert weights, so ensure the same unit of measurement is used in Cin7 Omni and Shopify.
Private apps (custom apps) settings
Private App Key, Private App Password
Enter your Shopify custom app’s key and password into Private App Key and Private App Password.