Upload prices to Shopify

Upload prices to Shopify


Find out how to upload product prices to Shopify.

The success of your business is underpinned by competitive, profitable prices.

And to ensure your prices are consistent across sales channels, Cin7 Omni uploads your prices to Shopify when you upload new products. You can upload new prices to Shopify, too, after making price changes in Omni. You can upload the prices of products, product options, and product size options. You cannot upload the prices of units of measure (UOMs).

Because Omni products have different prices for different price tiers, you must configure your Shopify integration’s Price Fields settings before uploading prices to Shopify.

Keep in mind that an Omni product’s price is set at the level of the option or size option.

Configure upload prices

In Omni, your products—or, more specifically, your product options and size options—may have several prices at different price tiers.

Which prices get uploaded to Shopify is determined by the Price Tier and Special Price settings of your Shopify integration.

Typically, when you upload prices to Shopify, each product's price at the selected Price Tier will become the Price of the matching Shopify product. 

But, if a product meets the following two conditions, then its price at the selected Special Price tier will become the Price of the matching Shopify product, and its price at the selected Price Tier will become that Shopify product's Compare at price:

  • The product's Special$ is active, as determined by the Start Date and Days properties in the product's pricing grid.

  • The product's price at the selected Special Price tier is less than its price at the selected Price Tier.

Upload prices

To upload new prices to Shopify, you must have enabled Products > Update Pricing in your Shopify integration settings. Then:

  1. Log in to Cin7 Omni.

  2. From the Integrations menu in the navigation, open your Shopify integration.

  3. On the Product Activity tile, select Update Recent Modified Pricing. You’ll see a list of all products with new prices. If you want to upload new prices for only a subset of products, use the search box to filter the list. Only prices of products in the list will be uploaded.

  4. Select Update Recently Modified Pricing.

Prices also upload when you upload new products and update Shopify products. Prices never upload automatically.


Why isn’t my product with new prices listed?

If you’ve selected Update Recent Modified Pricing but can’t see a product in the list,

  1. select Product Upload Errors and reset any errors related to the product, and then

  2. select Products from the navigation, open the product, and select Save and Close.

Then return to your Shopify integration and select Update Recent Modified Pricing. Your product should be listed. Otherwise, contact support.

Can I upload prices in multiple currencies to Shopify?

No, you can only upload one price (and, optionally, one special price) from Cin7 Omni to Shopify.

Do new prices upload automatically?

No, new prices never upload automatically.

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