Warehouse Management settings

Warehouse Management settings


In the Warehouse Management (WMS) settings, you can manage your shipping integrations, defaults, and automations for your warehouse or other branches.

Access the Warehouse Management settings

  1. In the navigation, select Stocks and then select WMS.

  2. Select your username and then Settings.

General Settings

  • Change Branch
    Select the warehouse or other branch where warehouse management is being used.

  • Scanner Type
    Choose if your scanner connects with Bluetooth, or Other.


  • Auto Invoice Date
    If Yes, the current date will be the invoice date for a purchase order when it is received.

  • Default Sort
    Sort orders by Product, OrderRef, or Location in the Receiving module.

  • Default Location
    All orders will be received into a product’s Last Location or No Location, or choose the location each time with Select Location.

  • Partial Receiving
    When you have only received some items for an order, you can choose how you want to partially receive the order. You can Partially Receive with Backorder, Partially Receive without Backorder, or Always Ask to make the choice for each order.


  • Enable Racking
    If Yes, you can use the Racking module.

  • Default Sort
    Sort orders by Product or Location in the Racking module.

  • Default Location
    All orders will be racked into a product’s Last Location or No Location, or choose the location each time with Select Location.


  • Enable Picking
    If Yes, you can use the Picking module.

  • Default Sort
    Sort orders by Product, OrderRef or Location in the Picking module.

  • Enable Totes
    If Yes, you need to assign orders to totes. Totes let you track products as they are picked and loaded onto different kinds of trolleys.

    • Enable Multiple Totes
      If Totes are enabled, you can decide if orders can be assigned to more than one tote.
      If Yes, pickers can assign the order to different totes. IfNo, pickers can only assign the order to a single tote.


  • Auto Invoice Date
    If yes, the current date will be the invoice date. The sales order stage will be Dispatched.
    If no, you will need to add the invoice date for the sales order in Cin7 Omni. The sales order stage will be your complete stage.

  • Complete Stage
    Choose the default stage for all packed sales orders.

  • Delivery Document
    You can print a delivery document (or docket) when orders are packed. By default, Do not print is selected. However, you can choose a document template to print during packing. We recommend using Default: Delivery Order.

  • Shipping Integration
    You can print labels in the packing process for your shipping solution. You will need to connect your shipping integration to Cin7 Omni (Starshipit, ShipStation, and Shiptheory) and then setup the integration in WMS.


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