Set up Shiptheory
Find out how to install, connect, and configure a Shiptheory integration and map your Shiptheory carriers to instances in WMS.
Install Shiptheory
Log in to Cin7 Omni as an administrator.
From the navigation, open the App Store.
Select the Shipping tab.
Select Shiptheory.
Select Request App Installation and Install to confirm.
Once your request has been approved, you’ll find your Shiptheory integration in the Integrations menu in the navigation.
Connect Shiptheory
Once your integration’s installed, connect to your Shiptheory account:
Log in to Cin7 Omni as an administrator.
From the Integrations menu in the navigation, select your Shiptheory integration.
Select Settings.
Open the Connect tab.
Enter your Shiptheory username (email) and password and select Save Connection Settings.
Select Next Step: Go To Shiptheory Connection Setting.
Select Back to Dashboard.
Select Test Connection. You’ll see “Authentication Successful” if you’ve connected. If you don't, retry connecting.
Configure Shiptheory
Before uploading sales orders to Shiptheory, you need to have configured your Shiptheory account, your Shiptheory integration, and the products you’re selling.
Configure account
Log in to Shiptheory and configure your account with
a shipping location, including pickup address and phone number
at least one shipping rule.
Configure integration
Configure how sales orders are uploaded to Shiptheory and map your Shiptheory carriers to instances in WMS:
Log in to Cin7 Omni as an administrator.
From the Integrations menu in the navigation, select your Shiptheory integration.
Select Settings.
Open the Settings tab.
to send sales orders from all branches to Shiptheory, set Get Orders From to All Branches, or
to only send sales orders from selected branches to Shiptheory, set Get Orders From to Select Branches.
to include the branch address (if any) with sales orders sent to Shiptheory, set Send Sender Address to Yes, or
to exclude the branch address (if any) with sales orders sent to Shiptheory, set Send Sender Address to No.
If you're using WMS, use Shiptheory Carrier Instances to map your Shiptheory carriers to instances in WMS.
Select Save.
Configure products
To send sales orders to Shiptheory, the products must have weights. And to add weights to products, you must have enabled the Dimensions or Option Weight settings:
From the navigation, open Products.
Select Settings.
to add one weight for all product options, set Dimensions to Yes and select either Imperial (inches) or Metric (cm), or
to add different weights for each product option, set Option Weight to Yes and select either Imperial (lb) or Metric (kg).
Select Save.
Now add weight to each product:
From the navigation, open Products.
Select the product.
to add a weight for all product options, enter the product’s weight into Weight under Dimensions, or
to add a weight for a product option, enter the option’s weight in the column Weight under Product Options.
Select Save and Close.
Find out more about product weights.
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