Neto settings
You can personalize your Neto integration with Cin7 Omni's extensive settings.
Find the settings
The integration with Neto can be configured to suit your business from the Settings page.
To locate the settings:
Select Integrations from the left Navigation and then select your Neto module.
From the top right of the page, select Settings.
Product settings
Select the Products checkbox will enable Products to be synced with Neto.
Product downloads from Neto
Product Downloads
Simply explains that product downloads are switched on. To find out more about downloading products, see the Downloading Products from Neto Help article for additional information.
Last Updated
Only products created after this date will be downloaded.
Update pricing to Neto
Enable Update Pricing
For more information on how update pricing works, see the Updating Product Pricing in Neto Help article for additional information.
Stock settings
Selecting the Stock checkbox will enable stock to be updated from Cin7 Omni to Neto.
Last Updated
When updating stock, only stock that has changed after this date will be updated. Simply leave this field alone at all times unless under special circumstances.
Auto Sync Stock
Select this checkbox will sync stock levels whenever you visit the admin screen of a module and whenever you download an order. We recommend only ticking this box if you are confident your stock levels are accurate.
Get Stock Levels From
When updating stock levels, you can choose to only update stock levels from a particular branch.
Stock Levels To Update To Neto
When updating stock levels, you can choose how to calculate the stock number to update.
Stock available |
Stock on hand minus open orders - i.e. stock you can dispatch without disappointing other customers. |
Stock on Hand |
The stock you have physically available, regardless of outstanding orders. |
SOH Less Open Orders within 7 days of ETD |
You may choose this if you can replenish stock within a week. The ETD must be entered for all outstanding orders for this to be accurate. |
SOH Less Open Orders within 30 days of ETD |
You may choose this if you can replenish stock within a month. The ETD must be entered for all outstanding orders for this to be accurate. |
Subtract Buffer Stock From Stock Levels
Add in buffer stock levels to ensure you never oversell.
Map Warehouses
Map stock levels in Cin7 Omni Branches to specific Warehouses in Neto. Enter the Warehouse Name from Neto into the box next to the corresponding Branch in Cin7 Omni. You can map multiple branches to the same warehouse and the stock will be summed. Note that if you enter the warehouse name incorrectly it will show an error "Invalid Branch" in the Stock Update Errors list on the Neto module dashboard.
Orders settings
Selecting the Orders checkbox will enable orders to be downloaded from Neto to Cin7 Omni.
What orders to download
Last Updated
When downloading orders, only orders that have been updated after this date and time will be downloaded. After orders are downloaded successfully, these fields will be changed automatically to the current date and time.
Auto Update Order Status
This will automatically update the status of your orders upon visiting the review screen of an order.
Download Order when Neto Order Status is
You may only want to download orders at a certain stage in Neto. For example, if you use Neto to pick and pack your orders, only orders that have been closed will be downloaded.
Auto Download Orders
Turn on the automatic download schedule:
Orders will be checked at first every 5 minutes. If no orders are pulled down, order checking will wait for 10 minutes before checking again. If no orders continue to be pulled down, order checking will wait for 20 minutes before checking again, and so on. At most, orders will be checked every 2 hours. If an order is downloaded, the process will reset to check every 5 minutes.
Choose from the drop-down when the schedule should start each day.
Set Default Stage to
Choose the Cin7 Omni stage orders that should be created under. If set to blank, no stage will be applied. This is useful if you want to filter your Neto orders by stage.
Auto Dispatch Orders
Cin7 Omni can attempt to dispatch orders automatically upon download. This option is useful if you prefer to dispatch from the Neto module, and simply download orders for stock purposes only. This is not possible for those orders that have batch or serial numbers, or in cases when there is not enough stock.
Automatically Load BOMs for Kits
If you have a bill of materials (or BOM) assigned to your finished products, you can choose for the BOM to be expanded automatically when you download orders. This requires the finished product to have its Order Type set to "Kit" in the product details.
Set Default Branch to
Set the branch for all new Neto orders to be downloaded into. The branch can be changed manually in a Sales Order before it is dispatched.
Route Branch by Country and Stock
Branches can be routed based on country, state, shipping options, and stock. See the Branch Based Routing Help article for additional information.
Neto has the option to route by "External Route Code" which in this case is the "Location ID" (WarehouseID) from your Neto site. This is useful if you have multiple warehouse locations in your Neto site and you wish to route orders to different branches. Note that Cin7 Omni will not split orders into different branches based on the Location ID; the system will only look at the Location of the last line item in the order.
How To Create Or Assign A Customer From An Order
This option controls how customer records should be handled when orders are downloaded. The options allow you to match to existing contacts based on email address or ID.
You can also download all orders to one predefined contact, regardless of the customer's details in the original order. This may be useful if you do not wish your CRM to be filled by online customers.
If Customer ID or email exists update customer or else insert new customer |
If Customer ID or email exists do not update or else insert new customer |
If Customer ID exists do not update else assign to selected customer |
If email exists update customer else insert new customer |
If email exists update customer else assign to selected customer |
Assign to selected customer |
Assign To CRM Customer Group (Optional)
This option will assign new customer contacts in the CRM to a particular reporting group. Options are populated by the Customer Groups, which can be added in the Settings page.
Customer GL Account (Optional)
Choose an Alternative General Ledger account to apply to customers that are imported into Cin7 Omni through Neto orders. This will apply to the Alternative GL Account at the customer level.
Customer Payment Terms
When new customers are created, you can automatically assign the customer a specific Payment Term by selecting one from the dropdown list here.
Customer Price Column
When new customers are created, you can automatically assign the customer a specific price column by selecting one from the dropdown list here.
Invoice Options
Each order is downloaded to Cin7 Omni individually. However, when importing orders to your accounting software, you may not wish to import each order. This option allows you to batch invoices for accounting purposes.
Allow batch invoices |
This will leave the invoice date blank and an invoice number will not be generated until you fill it in manually or process a batch of payments. |
Import Invoices Individually |
This will add an invoice date and generate an invoice number for all new Neto orders. |
Order Payment Terms
When downloading orders you can choose from the following the payment terms assigned to the order:
Use the contact's assigned payment terms (this assumes the contact already exists).
Use the contacts assigned payment terms, but if the contact doesn't exist, use a specified value.
Always use a specified value.
Order Price Column
When downloading orders you can choose from the following the Price Column assigned to the order:
Use the contact's assigned Price Column (this assumes the contact already exists).
Use the contacts assigned Price Column, but if the contact doesn't exist, use a specified value.
Always use a specified value.
Order GL Account (Optional)
Choose an Alternative General Ledger account to apply to Neto orders. This will apply to the Alternative GL Account at the order level.