Create a purchase order

Create a purchase order


You can create a purchase order to buy stock from your Suppliers and increase your inventory.

There are additional options for:

Purchase orders

Purchase Orders notify your suppliers of your intent to purchase their goods. Once confirmed, you will typically receive the goods and then the invoice shortly after.

Creating a Purchase Order in Cin7 Omni serves three purposes:

  • Purchase Orders can be emailed to your suppliers

  • Receiving Purchase Orders increases the inventory of your products

  • Purchase Orders that have been invoiced can be imported into your accounting software

Create a purchase order

  1. Select Purchases and then select New Purchase Order.

  2. Add the details of the Supplier (Company name is required).

  3. Select the branch from the branch menu.

  4. Enter the products to be purchased in the products grid below.

  5. Enter an ETD (Estimated Time of Delivery).

  6. Select Approve to approve the purchase.

  7. In the Admin screen that follows you can Email or Print the Purchase Order.

View incoming stock

An open purchase order indicates that an order has been placed but it does not change the quantity of Stock on Hand.

In the products page, incoming stock is shown in the Incoming Stock column, and by selecting into the SOH column, you will be able to see incoming stock broken down by ETD.

Receive a purchase order

When a purchase order is received, the SOH increases. Only one branch can receive a purchase order. You can move stock between branches with branch transfers.

  1. From the Purchase Orders List Page, select the Purchase order Reference number from the "Ref" column) to enter the screen where you are able to edit your chosen order.

  2. To receive all the goods at the same time, enter a Fully Received Date. You can also partially receiving a purchase.

  3. Enter an Invoice Date and Invoice Number.
    Entering an invoice date makes the Purchase Order available for importing into your Accounting Software.

  4. Select Save to complete the transaction.

Receive stock into a location

You can receive stock into a specific location (zones and bins).

  1. In the Purchase Order, click in the Qty Received column.

  2. Add the Zone and Bin location for the products in the pop-up Receipt INTO Stock window.

  3. You can add multiple locations with different amounts of stock.

    1. Adjust the Qty to the amount of stock received in that location.

    2. Select Add Row

    3. Add the Qty, Zone, and Bin for the other products.

  4. Select Save.

Receive more or less than ordered

If you receive more than you originally ordered, you have several options depending on the situation:



Received more than expected at no extra cost

You have two options in this scenario, each with different implications for gross profit reports.

  • Lower the unit cost and change the quantity ordered so the cost is spread evenly over each item

  • Add the additional items as an extra line item, at 100% discount.

Received more than expected at additional cost

Change the Qty Ordered field to match the quantity received.

Received less than expected at reduced cost

Change the Qty Ordered to match the quantity received. The amount you are invoiced for should match the total of the Purchase Order.

Received less than expected and credited for the remaining

The Purchase Order total will need to remain the same but the Qty Received should change. Fully Receive all the goods first, and then edit the Qty Received to amend the quantities.

Received less than expected and remaining is backordered

When you have received only some of the items, you can create a back order for the items you have not received.


Do I need to add payments?

If you wish to record payments against Purchase Orders, you can enter them in the grid at the bottom of the screen. This does not sync with your Accounting Software, so it is for information only and is not required.

Can I add expiry dates to my products?

Expiry dates can be added as a custom field into transaction modules to allow for accounts to set a 'expiry date' for incoming batches. This is an alternative to using batch numbers as expiry dates. Submit a request for an expiry date customization in our Cin7 Help Center.

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