Create a sales order

Create a sales order


Sales Orders can be created manually or come from a number of sources:

  • Integrated Ecommerce sites,

  • Integrated Marketplaces,

  • B2B online store, or

  • Wholesalers via connected EDI channels.


Sales Orders, once dispatched can be invoiced - this means that you will be able to send an invoice to a customer, and import the invoice into your accounting software.

You can also:

Create a sales order

  1. In the navigation, select Sales and then Sales Orders.

  2. Select New Sales Order.

  3. Search for an existing customer by searching for them in the Company or First Name fields. You can also create a new contact by adding all of their contact information. When you save the sales order that contact will be added to the CRM.

  4. Choose the Branch from which you'd like to dispatch the goods.

  5. In the product grid below, enter a product or products to sell by searching for either the Code or the Product Name.

  6. Select Approve or Approve Back to List to create an open Sales Order

The sales order is now open. This means that the quantities of product in the sale will affect the Stock Available quantities; effectively reserving some products for this order.

Draft sales orders

If you start a Sales Order, but want to complete it at another time, you can do so by clicking Save as Draft. Draft Sales Orders do not affect the Stock Available - and must be Approved before the goods can be dispatched.

Dispatch a sales order

Once you have sent the goods to a customer, you can then dispatch stock in Cin7 Omni. Dispatching the stock reduces the stock in the system for the products that have been removed.

You can either dispatch all items at once or one item at a time.

To dispatch all items at once:

  1. In the navigation, select Sales and then Sales Orders.

  2. Open the sales order you want to dispatch, selecting its Reference ID.

  3. Enter a date into the Fully Dispatched field.
    By entering a date, all goods in the order will be dispatched.


To dispatch line by line:

  1. Open the Sales Order you want to dispatch by selecting its Reference ID.

  1. Select into the Qty Dispatch column for a product.

  2. Select Save.

  1. Repeat for each line in your order.

When an item is dispatched, the stock available remains the same, but the Stock on Hand (the amount physically in stock) is reduced.

Dispatch from specific locations

If stock is set to FIFO, entering a Fully Dispatched date will automatically dispatch the oldest item, regardless of location. The item must be manually chosen to control which item is to be dispatched.

  1. In a Sales Order, select the Qty Dispatch column.

  2. From the box that appears, select the correct location by selecting the green arrow.

  3. Select Save to confirm, then complete the rest of the transaction as usual.

Invoice a sales order

Finally, once you have dispatched the goods, you will want to invoice your goods.

  1. Open the Sales Order you want to invoice by selecting its Reference ID.

  2. Enter a date into the Invoice Date field.

  3. Select Save.

Invoicing a Sales Order will allow several things to happen:

  • A unique invoice number will be created.

  • Printed invoices will be converted from pro-forma invoices to invoices.

  • The order will be flagged for import into accounting software.



Is it possible to have multiple invoices for one Sales Order?

No. Only one invoice per sales order is supported. If you require multiple invoices, an option would be to create multiple invoices in your Accounting System instead (be sure to set the invoice in Cin7 Omni to "Do Not Import" to avoid duplication).

How do I set a Sales Order to "Do Not Import"?

This can be done from the Sales Order Admin page. Locate the order in the Sales Order List, select the cog icon next to the order's Reference ID, and select Admin. Using the drop-down, change the Accounting Invoice Status to Do Not Import.

If I have Stock Available, why can't I dispatch an order?

The issue could be that you have selected a branch that does not have any stock of that particular item.

By default, the stock available figure shown in Sales Orders represents stock across all your branches.

If you would like the Stock Available figure to show stock available for a chosen branch, contact Cin7 Omni Support.

Can I see the stock in a branch when creating a sales order?

It is possible for the stock column in a sales order to show the stock of the current branch as opposed to the total stock of the product. If you’d like this switched on, please contact support.

Can I attach additional files to an order?

This can be done by making use of our Google Drive integration. You can upload multiple files into a folder that will be associated with that sales order reference. The maximum file size we can accept is 4 MB.

How can I deal with recurring invoices in Cin7 Omni?

Cin7 Omni doesn't have a specific way of making invoices recur on a schedule. However there are a few things you can do to make this process really simple for you.

Create a draft sales order to act as your template sales order; and then use the copy function in the admin page (hover over the cog on a sales order and then click Admin, then Actions > Copy All Items to create a new version of this each time you want a new order.

If you want to be able to filter your templates easily (say you have 100s of potentially reoccurring sales orders), you could add a custom stage, or a custom project name to filter the list quickly to see your templates.

Why do my discounts disappear when I adjust the quantity?

If you decrease the quantity of an item in the order, all discounts are removed and will need to be reapplied.

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