Install and use Google Drive
Our Google Drive integration is currently unavailable. We are working with Google to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.
Cin7 Omni can connect to Google Drive to provide additional storage for files and link them to Contacts, Products, and transactions such as Sales Orders and Purchase Orders.
Connect Google Drive
From the left navigation, select App Store
Search for Google Drive, then select Request App Installation, then Install
Navigate to the app, which can now be found in the Admin menu in the left navigation
Select Connect, and follow the prompts to link to your Google account
Once connected, in the Google Drive app, you will be given the option to either search for a parent folder (the folder you wish all uploads to be placed in) or create a new parent folder
Once the parent folder has been chosen, you can use the integration app to:
Create folders,
Upload new files,
and browse existing files.
Once installed, a new link will be added to the Contact Details, Product Details and Order admin pages.
Use Google Drive
Google Drive can be used to attach files to transactions such as Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Products and Contacts. To do this:
Find the Google Drive link in the relevant page:
On the contacts page this can be found in the Contact Details section
In the products page this can be found under the Classifications section
In transactions, this can be found in the admin screen, at the top of the screen.
Selecting this link will create a file in your Google Drive parent Cin7 Omni file
Contacts and transactions will be in a folder with the Company name (or First and Last Name if there is no Company), with a subfolder Uploaded Files for files uploaded from the contact and a subfolder with the transaction reference when uploaded from the transaction.
Products will be in a folder Products with a subfolder for the Product ID.
You will be taken to a page where you can upload a document to the folder that has been created
Select Choose File, to find the file, then select Upload to upload a file
Disconnect Google Drive
If you no longer wish to use the integration, or you experience persistent connection problems, you may wish to disconnect Google Drive.
This can be done by navigating to the settings page (administrators only) within the Google Drive module and selecting the Disconnect button.
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