Walmart marketplace overview
Walmart Marketplace is a platform for selling your goods on Walmart Marketplace is an invitation-only, professional seller community.
You can connect your Walmart Marketplace account to Cin7 Omni to:
Download Sales Orders
Update Stock levels
Update Order Status
Download customers
Setup and use
First, you will need to connect your Cin7 Omni account to the Walmart Marketplace. This involves obtaining an API Key and Secret Key from Walmart Marketplace and entering them, along with your seller ID, into Cin7 Omni.
Once you are connected, you can change your Walmart Marketplace Settings in Cin7 Omni to refine how your integration works.
Once your Warmart Marketplace integration is setup, you can:
Download orders from the Walmart Marketplace and dispatch those orders in Cin7 Omni.
Update the stock levels in the Walmart Marketplace. The products must exist in both Cin7 Omni and the Walmart Marketplace, and their codes/SKUs must match in both systems.
Update the status of orders in the Walmart Marketplace after the orders are dispatched in Cin7 Omni.
Is it possible to create products in Cin7 Omni and push them to Walmart Marketplace?
No. This is not possible due to the way that products are stored in Walmart Marketplace and Cin7 Omni.
I cannot see the Walmart Marketplace module under the Integrations menu.
In some cases, after adding the app, you will need to select the Refresh button at the bottom of the left navigation menu before the module will appear. If after doing so the app still doesn't appear, please contact Cin7 Omni Support.