Troubleshoot errors with Shopify
Find out how to fix common errors with your Shopify integration.
How to view errors
If a sales order or credit note fails to sync between Cin7 Omni and Shopify, you’ll find the error message on the Order Status Update Errors page. To open that page, click Order Status Errors on the Order Status tile.
If product data, like new products, new prices, and stock levels, fail to sync between Cin7 Omni and Shopify, you’ll find the error message on the Stock Update Errors page. To open the page, click Stock Update Errors on the Stock Activity tile.
Error: Not found
You’ve tried to upload the stock level of a product. But it’s mapped to a Shopify product or variant that either (a) no longer exists or (b) is unidentifiable.
If the issue affects a product with multiple options, size options, or units of measure, then you’ll have received an error for every option, size option, and unit of measure, even if only one is affected.
To fix this issue, you must reset the error and then either (a) delete the mapping to Shopify product or variant that no longer exists, or (b) remap the product mapped to the Shopify product or variant that’s unidentifiable.
Find out how to delete a mapping or remap a product.
Error: Location is deactivated
You’ve tried to upload this product’s stock level to a deactivated Shopify location. That means that
if you have enabled Map Warehouses in your Shopify integration settings, then you’ve set at least one Shopify Warehouse (under Stock > Map Warehouses) to a deactivated Shopify location, or
if you haven't enabled Map Warehouses in your Shopify integration settings, then you’ve set your Primary Location (under Additional Settings) to a deactivated Shopify location.
To fix this error, either
if you have enabled Map Warehouses,
open your Shopify integration settings in Cin7 Omni,
select Refresh Warehouses Options under Stock > Map Warehouses,
set every Shopify Warehouse (under Stock > Map Warehouses) to an active Shopify location, and then
select Save, or
if you haven’t enabled Map Warehouses,
open your Shopify integration settings in Cin7 Omni,
select Refresh Warehouses Options under Additional Settings > Primary Location,
set your Primary Location (under Additional Settings) to an active Shopify location, and then
select Save, or
Then reset this error and retry uploading your stock levels to Shopify.
Error: Location not found
You’ve tried to update the status of a Shopify order (Update Dispatched Orders) fulfilled by a Cin7 Omni branch that’s mapped to a Shopify location that can’t be found. That means that
if you have enabled Map Warehouses in your Shopify integration settings, then you’ve set at least one Shopify Warehouse (under Stock > Map Warehouses) to a Shopify location that can’t be found, or
if you haven't enabled Map Warehouses in your Shopify integration settings, then you’ve set your Primary Location (under Additional Settings) to a Shopify location that can’t be found.
To fix this issue, either
if you have enabled Map Warehouses,
open your Shopify integration settings in Cin7 Omni,
select Refresh Warehouses Options under Stock > Map Warehouses,
set every Shopify Warehouse (under Stock > Map Warehouses) to an active Shopify location, and then
select Save, or
if you haven’t enabled Map Warehouses,
open your Shopify integration settings in Cin7 Omni,
select Refresh Warehouses Options under Additional Settings > Primary Location,
set your Primary Location (under Additional Settings) to an active Shopify location, and then
select Save.
Error: Inventory item does not have inventory tracking enabled
You’ve tried to upload this product’s stock level to Shopify but Track Quantity is disabled for the mapped Shopify product (or for one of the mapped Shopify product’s variants).
You can only upload the stock levels of Shopify products with Track Quantity enabled (or with Track Quantity enabled for all its variants, if any).
To fix this issue, enable Track Quantity for the product (or all its variants, if any). Then reset this error and retry uploading your stock levels to Shopify.
Error: Option values provided for unknown option(s)
You’ve tried to upload a new product option to a mapped Shopify product. But the option’s product has more Option Labels than the mapped Shopify product has Options.
For example, you can’t upload a new option for a product with two Option Labels (say, color and size) if the mapped Shopify product has only one Option (say, color).
To fix this issue, instead of uploading the new product option to Shopify, you must create the new product option in Shopify (as a variant of the product) and then remap the product. Reset the error first.
Error: Option is not unique
You’ve tried to upload this product to Shopify but its Option Labels aren’t unique. To fix this issue, give each of the product’s Option Labels a unique name. Then reset the error and retry uploading the product.
Error: The variant already exists
You’ve tried to upload this product to Shopify but its options aren’t unique. That means that either
an Option Label has no name, or
two options have the same Option Label values, or
two sizes in the size grid are the same.
To fix this issue, review the product’s Product Options and Size Grid sections (see below). Then reset the error and retry uploading the product.
Review product options
If your product has options, ensure each Option Label has a unique name and that each option has a unique combination of Option Label values.
Review size grid
If your product has a size grid (or SKU/size range), ensure the sizes in the size grid are all unique; if they aren’t, you’ll need to create a new size grid (see section Create size range) and apply it to your product(see section Create fashion product).
Error: An item cannot be active at more than one location if one of them is a fulfillment service location
This error can only occur if you’ve set up a Shopify fulfillment service.
How you fix this error depends on whether the affected product is using your fulfillment service – that is, whether you’ve selected your Shopify fulfillment service under Inventory on the mapped product’s page in Shopify.
Products using a Shopify fulfillment service
In this scenario, you’ve tried to upload a product’s stock level to a Shopify location, but the product is mapped to a Shopify product using a fulfillment service.
The problem is that, if a mapped Shopify product is using a fulfillment service, you can only upload its stock level to that fulfillment service.
How you fix this issue depends on (a) which mapped products’ stock levels you want to upload to your Shopify fulfillment service and (b) whether you’ve enabled Map Warehouses in your Shopify integration settings.
First, decide which products’ stock levels you want to upload to your Shopify fulfillment service:
If you want to upload all products’ stock levels to your fulfillment service, you must
in your Shopify integration settings, set your Primary Location to your fulfillment service and ensure Map Warehouses is disabled,
select your fulfillment service under Inventory on each product’s page in Shopify, and then
reset the error and retry uploading your products’ stock levels from Cin7 Omni.
Otherwise, if you want to upload some products’ stock levels to your fulfillment service and other products’ stock levels to Shopify locations (or to a second fulfillment service), you must set up Map Warehouses in your Shopify integration settings.
If you’ve enabled Map Warehouses, so as to upload only some products’ stock levels to your Shopify fulfillment service, you must map the Cin7 Omni branch (or branches) with those product’s stock to your Shopify fulfillment service. Find out how to set up Map Warehouses (see section Map Warehouses).
Please note that, because all branches have stock of all products (even if the stock level is zero), you will still receive this error after setting upMap Warehouses. Ignore and reset this error and check your stock levels in Shopify, which will be correct.
Products not using a Shopify fulfillment service
In this scenario, you’ve tried to upload a product’s stock level to a fulfillment service, but the product is mapped to a Shopify product not using that fulfillment service.
The problem is that, if a Shopify product is not using a fulfillment service, you can’t upload its stock level to that fulfillment service.
This happens because either (a) you’ve set your Primary Location to a fulfillment service in your Shopify integration settings, or (b) you’ve enabled Map Warehouses and mapped a Cin7 Omni branch to a Shopify fulfillment service.
How you fix this issue depends on whether you want to upload this product’s stock level to your Shopify fulfillment service:
If you do want to upload this product’s stock level to your fulfillment service, then select your fulfillment service under Inventory on the product’s page in Shopify. Then reset the error and retry uploading the product’s stock levels.
Or, if you don’t want to upload this product’s stock level to your fulfillment service and you haven’t enabled Map Warehouses, then you’ve set your Primary Location to your fulfillment service. You should un-map this product from Shopify and reset the error.
Finally, if you don’t want to upload this product’s stock level to your fulfillment service and you have enabled Map Warehouses, then please ignore and reset this error – the product’s stock levels will still upload to your Shopify locations according to how you’ve configured your Map Warehouses settings (this is a bug caused by the product technically having stock at Cin7 Omni branches mapped to Shopify locations).
Error: The api_client does not have the required permission(s)
You’ve tried to update the status of your Shopify orders (Update Dispatched Orders), but unfortunately the function has failed to execute.
To fix this issue, you must re-authenticate your connection to Shopify (see below). Then try updating your Shopify orders’ statuses.
Error: Option label doesn’t exist
You’ve tried to upload a new product option (Upload Product Options) but you’ve added, changed, or removed an option label.
To fix this issue, you must update your option labels in Shopify by updating the Shopify product. Then reset the error and retry uploading the new product option.
General troubleshooting
Re-authenticate your Shopify connection
Login in to Cin7 Omni.
From the Integrations menu in the navigation, open your Shopify integration.
Open Settings.
Open the Connect tab.
Select Disconnect.
Enter your Shopify shop’s domain into the Shop Host Name field.
Your shop’s domain ends with and is found at the top of the settings menu in Shopify.
When you enter your domain, don’t include http:// or https://.
Select Connect and follow Shopify’s on-screen instructions to log in and authorize your connection. Then you’ll be sent back to Cin7.
To confirm your integration has been reconnected, select Dashboard and then Test Connection. You’ll see confirmation in a green banner.