Create a contract price
You can create contract and volume break pricing for selected products on a B2B online store. This allows for a lower per-unit price to be set when a specific volume of products is purchased.
You will need to have installed a B2B online store and B2B promotions.
Legacy B2B does not use B2B promotions. You will need to create promotions with the promotional matrix.
There are some key things to know about B2B contract pricing:
If there are multiple discounts for a product, the highest discount is applied.
For products with different pricing combinations, the discount is applied on the cheapest product.
If products have a special price and a promotion, the biggest discount is applied. For example, a $100 product has a special price of $60 and a promotion of 10% off, the special price is applied because it is the biggest discount.
Create a contract price
Select Admin from the left navigation pane and then select Promotions.
Select Contract Pricing.
Select Create Contract Pricing.
Contract price description
These are details that will appear in Cin7 Omni.
Set contract price
This includes an option to add volume break pricing.
Select Add a new product.
Under "Add Product", search by SKU or name, and select the product.
A retail price displays in the “Price” field if one is set for that product.Enter a contract price value.
To add a volume break discount, select Add Volume Break and enter a Price and Minimum Quantity for the discount to apply. Once completed, select Save.
Multiple volume breaks can be added to a product in a contract price.
Multiples products can be added to a contract price.
Apply Promotion to UOMs
Enable Apply Promotion to UOMs to disable the pricing of relevant products’ alternative units of measure (UOM) for relevant B2B customers.
If Apply Promotion to UOMs is enabled, B2B customers can only purchase the product at the contract pricing. Alternative UOMs will be available for purchase, but their prices will be equivalent to the price of the base UOM.
Date and time
Enter a Start Date and End Date for the contract price.
If the Start Date is blank, the promotion will start when Save is selected.
If the End Date is blank, the promotion will run indefinitely.
Applicable customers
Select All Customers, or select customers by price tier or group, or individually.
Applicable channels and branches
This setting allows all or selected B2B stores to be included in a contract price.
If multiple B2B stores exist, selected stores can be excluded from a contract price.