Upload options (colors, sizes) to JOOR

Upload options (colors, sizes) to JOOR


Find out how to upload new options (color–size combinations) to JOOR.

What are options?

Your JOOR styles come in a range of colors and sizes. Each combination of color and size is called an option in Cin7 Omni.

Say you sell a dress in red, white, and blue. And say it comes in small, medium, and large. This dress has two option labels (color, size), each with three option values. So it has nine options:

  • red small, red medium, red large

  • white small, white medium, white large

  • blue small, blue medium, blue large.

In Cin7 Omni, a product’s options show in the Product list and on the product’s page under Product Options.

Upload new options (sizes, colors)

When you upload a product to (or download a product from) JOOR, the product’s options in Cin7 Omni are mapped to the product’s color–size combinations in JOOR. If you’ve created new options for a product that’s mapped to JOOR, you need to upload and map the new options.

Before you upload new product options, you must have enabled Upload Product Options in your JOOR integration settings. If you’ve changed other details of the product, such as its name or other options, those changes will be uploaded with the new options.

  1. Log in to Cin7 Omni.

  2. From the Integrations menu in the navigation, select your JOOR integration.

  3. On the Product Status tile of your JOOR integration dashboard, select Upload Product Options. You’ll see a list of all new (that is, unmapped) options. If you want to upload a subset of new options, use the search box to filter the list – only options in the list will upload.

  4. To upload the new options, select Upload Recently Modified Product Options (alternatively, to download the new options to a spreadsheet, select Download Products).

Here’s how options in Cin7 Omni map to color–size combinations in JOOR (unlisted fields are controlled by your JOOR integration settings  or must be set in JOOR):

Cin7 Omni option

JOOR color–size combination

Value of option label 1


Value of option label 2





UPC (if barcode is empty)

Find out how product details, such as name and price, map between Cin7 Omni to JOOR.


Why can’t I see my new options in the list?

In Cin7 Omni, open the product and make sure you’ve selected your JOOR integration (under Classifications > Channels), and make sure you’ve not set Display to Turn Off / Inactive.

Can I upload other changes to my product?

Find out how to upload changes to products to JOOR.

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