Set up Shopify
Find out how to install, connect, and configure a Shopify integration.
This integration is compatible with all Shopify plans. If you don’t have a Shopify account, first sign up for Shopify.
Install Shopify
Log in to Cin7 as an administrator.
From the navigation, open the App Store.
Select the Ecommerce tab.
Select Shopify.
Select Request App Installation.
Enter a short, descriptive name for your integration and select Install to confirm.
Once your request has been approved, you’ll find your Shopify integration in the Integrations menu in the navigation.
Connect Shopify
Once you’ve installed the integration, connect to Shopify:
Log in to Cin7 as an administrator.
From the Integrations menu in the navigation, select your Shopify integration.
Select Settings.
Open the Connect tab.
Enter your Shopify shop’s domain into the Shop Host Name field.
Your shop’s default domain ends with “” and is found at the top of the settings menu in Shopify.
When you enter your domain, don’t include “http://” or “https://.”
Select Connect and follow Shopify’s on-screen instructions to log in and authorize your connection. Then you’ll be sent back to Cin7.
Configure Shopify
Find out how to configure your Shopify integration.
Can I connect more than one Shopify shop?
Yes, you can connect to multiple Shopify shops. You must set up a separate Shopify integration for each shop.
Can I use the same integration after upgrading/downgrading my Shopify plan?
After upgrading or downgrading your Shopify plan, we suggest disconnecting and reconnecting your Shopify integration:
In Cin7 Omni, open your Shopify integration settings.
Open the Connect tab.
Select Disconnect.
Follow the instructions above to connect your integration.
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