Map units of measure to WooCommerce

Map units of measure to WooCommerce


Find out how to map units of measure (UOMs) to WooCommerce.

Units of measure (UOMs) are multiples (or fractions) of a unit of product.

If you want to sell Cin7 Omni UOMs in WooCommerce, you must map them to WooCommerce products or product variations. To create mappings for UOMs, you must configure your WooCommerce integration, create the UOMs in Omni, create the matching products (or variations) in WooCommerce, and finally create the mappings.

Once you’ve created the mappings, you can sell UOMs on WooCommerce and keep the sales orders, stock levels, and other data in sync with Omni.

What are units of measure (UOMs)?

Say you sell umbrellas as singles, in boxes of twenty five, and in containers of one hundred. Because you charge less per umbrella in a box and even less in a container, you need the product’s price per unit to change according to the quantity of units ordered in each sales order.

You shouldn’t create three separate products (or product options), because that means three separate inventories. Rather, you need one product with two “alternative” units of measure  (UOMs) for twenty-five units and one-hundred units (a product always has a “base” UOM of one unit), and you need each UOM to have a separate price.

Then, when you sell umbrellas, you can select either the base UOM or an alternative UOM. The quantity of units in the selected UOM (multiplied by the quantity of the UOM ordered) becomes the quantity of units ordered, and the price of the UOM divided by the quantity of units in the UOM becomes the product’s price per unit. When you approve the sale, the stock levels of all the product’s UOMs sync.

Configure unit of measure (UOM) mapping

To map UOMs to WooCommerce, you must have enabled these WooCommerce integration settings:

  • Products

  • Stock

  • Stock > Enable UOM Mapping

Then you can map Omni UOMs to WooCommerce.

Map units of measure (UOMs)

1. Create units of measure (UOMs) and matching products or variations

Before mapping UOMs to WooCommerce, you must create the UOMs in Omni.

Then create separate WooCommerce products, or create separate WooCommerce product variations, for each UOM (including the base UOM).

For simplicity, ensure the Code or Barcode of the Omni UOM matches the SKU of the WooCommerce product or variation you want to map it to, as in the image below.

Alternatively, if you want to map Omni UOMs to WooCommerce products or variations without matching Codes or Barcodes and SKUs, you can create a custom mapping (see below).

If you don’t want some UOMs mapped to WooCommerce, then don’t use the Code or Barcode of those UOMs as the SKU of any products or variations in WooCommerce.

3. Delete old mappings

You must ensure no mappings already exist for the Omni product with UOMs, or for the WooCommerce products (or the product of the variations), that you’re mapping:

  1. Log in to Cin7 Omni.

  2. From the Integrations menu in the navigation, open your WooCommerce integration.

  3. On the Product Status tile, select View Mapped Products.

  4. Search for and delete old mappings – select Delete for each result individually (don’t select Delete All):

4. Map units of measure (UOMs), create custom mappings

Finally, map the UOMs to WooCommerce:

  1. Log in to Cin7 Omni.

  2. From the Integrations menu in the navigation, open your WooCommerce integration.

  3. On the Product Status tile, select Download Products.

  4. Open the Download Products tab.

  5. If you created the matching WooCommerce products or variations since last downloading products from WooCommerce, select Import Products Created Since Last Import. Else select Import All Products. A list of WooCommerce products and variations to download or map will load.

  6. Select Next. You’ll be shown a summary.

Now, if you aren’t creating custom mappings, then the total number of Existing Price Options Linked and Existing Size Options Linked is the number of mappings that were created for mappable products, including your UOMs. Select Back to Dashboard to finish.

Else, if you are creating custom mappings, then the total number of New Products and New Product Options is the number of WooCommerce products that you can create custom mappings for:

  1. Select Next to be taken to the Custom Mappings tab.

  2. Select Download Products to Apply Custom Mappings. A spreadsheet will download.

  3. Open the spreadsheet. Each row is an unmapped, unmappable WooCommerce product. You can create custom mappings for any of these products.

  4. For each product you want to map to a UOM, enter the Code of the Omni UOM into the matching column Cin7 Code.

  5. Save the spreadsheet.

  6. In Omni, select Choose File and upload the edited spreadsheet.

  7. Select Next. You’ll be given a summary. The total of Product Options Mapped and Size Options Mapped is the number of custom mappings that were created.

To check your UOMs have been mapped, select View Mapped Products on the Product Status tile of your WooCommerce integration dashboard.

Unit of measure (UOM)  stock levels

When you sell an alternative UOM of a product in Omni, the stock level of the base UOM decreases, which in turn decreases the stock level of the alternative UOMs. But when you sell a UOM in WooCommerce, only the stock level of that UOM decreases.

To keep the stock levels of UOMs up to date in WooCommerce, you must download sales of UOMs to Omni, so that Omni can re-calculate accurate stock levels for each UOM, and then promptly upload your stock levels to WooCommerce.

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