Route sales orders from Zapiet (Shopify)

Route sales orders from Zapiet (Shopify)


Find out how to route Zapiet orders to the right branch in Cin7 Omni.

Zapiet is a “click and collect” integration for Shopify.

If you’ve integrated your Shopify store with Zapiet, so customers can choose where to pick up their orders, then it’s essential these orders are downloaded (routed) to the matching branch in Cin7 Omni.

Once you’ve installed Zapiet in Shopify, configure Zapiet order routing (see below) in your Shopify integration settings. Then your Zapiet orders will be routed to the matching Omni branch when you download sales orders from Shopify.

Configure Zapiet order routing

To route Zapiet orders, you need your Zapiet location IDs:

  1. Log in to your Shopify store.

  2. Under Apps > Zapiet in the navigation, open Locations.

  3. For each location,

    • open the location and

    • find its Zapiet Location ID (at the bottom of the page).

Then set up branch routing for Shopify sales orders  (you only need to configure routing, not split orders or distribution branches): in the Branch Routing Grid, enter each Zapiet location ID into the External Route Codes column for the row for the matching Omni branch.

Now, when you download sales orders from Shopify, Zapiet orders will route to Omni branches according to the Branch Routing Grid.

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