Download products from Etsy

Download products from Etsy


Products can be downloaded from Etsy and imported into Cin7 Omni.

There are three situations that are relevant to this module:

  • You have no products in Cin7 Omni and products in Etsy.
    You will download products into Cin7 Omni as detailed below.

  • You have some products in Cin7 Omni and some in Etsy.
    You will download products not already in Cin7 Omni and match the rest as detailed below.

  • You have products in both Cin7 Omni and Etsy.
    In this situation, you will match products between the two systems.  See the Matching Products between Cin7 Omni and Etsy  Help article for additional information.

Any products that don't already exist in Cin7 Omni will be imported.

If there are some products that you do not want to import into Cin7 Omni, these can be manually removed during the download process using a spreadsheet.

After downloading a Product, you will need to select the Channel in the Cin7 Omni product details page in order to update stock levels of that product to Etsy. The Channel is the name of the Etsy module in Cin7 Omni. If the Channel is not visible, it will need to be switched on in the Product Settings.

Download products

Before products can be downloaded during the import/match process, the products must first be published in Etsy.

To download products from Etsy into Cin7 Omni:

  1. Log in to Cin7 Omni using an Administrator account.

  2. From the left navigation, select Integrations and then Etsy.

  3. From the Dashboard, on the Product Status tile, select Download Products.

  4. Select Import Products Created Since Last Import or Import All Products and then wait for the sync to be completed.

  5. On the resulting confirmation page, select Next.

  6. Note if any products that were not successfully matched, and select Next.

  7. If there are any products you do not wish to import, modify the list now. select Next.

  8. Brands and product types will be created or matched. Use the drop-downs to adjust any options, then select Next.

  9. If you would like to check that the import will be completed successfully before making any real changes, select Test.

  10. Select Import New Products to complete the process.

Add a channel to a product

Each product has a Channel option; this flags products to be updated to Etsy.

Products that have been downloaded from Etsy to Cin7 Omni will automatically have their Channel option selected.

For stock to be updated to Etsy, you will need to select the channel Etsy in the products page.

First, make sure the Channel field exists in the Products module:

  1. While logged in as an Administrator, select your username in the top right and then select Settings.

  2. Under the Products menu, select Product Settings.

  3. Under the Show Channel Options menu, select Etsy.

  4. Select Save.


Next update a product or products:

  1. From the Products module, select a product by clicking on its name.

  2. From the classifications menu, on the right-hand side, check Etsy.

  3. Click Save and Close.


By checking the channel field in the product, allows you to update the stock levels and pricing for this product.

Bulk Updating Channels

  • Products can also be updated in bulk using the Import and Update products process. Multiple channels can be added when updating by separating each channel by commas in the Channels field. Ensure the name of the channel matches exactly.


Can you export products from Cin7 Omni into Etsy?

No. It is not possible to export products from Cin7 Omni into Etsy.

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