Map products to Etsy
If you have products in both Etsy and Cin7 Omni, and no products need be imported to either system, you'll simply need to match products to each other. The matching process allows Cin7 Omni to update information like stock levels from Cin7 Omni to Etsy.
Matching is not necessary for downloading orders.
Match products
Products are loaded from Etsy and matches will be made to products in Cin7 Omni using based on the code/SKU.
Select Import All Products.
This loads products to compare with existing products in Cin7 Omni. N.B. it does not import products into Cin7 Omni. A sample of this data is shown below.Select Next.
A summary of matches will be shown in the next page.Make note of any SKUs that do not match. This will be due to the SKU not being found in Cin7 Omni.
If this is the case, you will either be given the option to remove unmatched products or download them as per the Download Process.To confirm the matches, select Finish.
Add a channel options to products
Each product has a Channel option; this flags products to be updated to Etsy.
Products that have been downloaded from Etsy to Cin7 Omni will automatically have their Channel option checked.
For stock and pricing to be updated to Etsy, you will need to select the channel Etsy in the products page.
First, make sure the Channel field exists in the products module:
While logged in as an Administrator, select your username in the top right and then select Settings.
Under the Products menu, bottom left, select Product Settings.
Under the Show Channel Options menu, select Etsy.
Select Save.
Next update a product or products:
From the Products module, choose a product by selecting its name.
From the classifications menu, on the right-hand side, select Etsy.
Select Save and Close.
By checking the channel field in the product, this allows you to update the stock levels and pricing for this product.
Bulk update channels
Products can also be updated in bulk using the Import and Update products process. Multiple channels can be added when updating by separating each channel by commas in the Channels field. Ensure the name of the channel matches exactly.
Review or delete matches
If you are unsure how you have matched products or you have matched a product to another product incorrectly you can view product matchings and delete matching as appropriate.
While logged in as an Administrator from the left navigation, select Integrations and then Etsy.
From the Product Status tile, select View Mapped Products.
In this list, you will be able to see a list of all Cin7 Omni products that have been matched and a list of their Etsy IDs.
There are two actions you can take in this list:
Delete - deletes matchings that are incorrect.
Download Products Mappings - downloads displayed data to a .csv file.
Deleting matchings does not affect products in either system, and you can rematch by following the process above if necessary.