Magento 2 overview
Connect Magento 2.x to Cin7 Omni to allow seamless order processing, and inventory synchronization.
Magento is "the world's most flexible commerce platform". Integrating Magento 2 with Cin7 Omni allows you to:
Download sales orders
Update stock levels
Update order status
Download products
Download customers
Upload products
Cin7 Omni's integration has multiple settings that allow for detailed control of how Cin7 Omni interacts with Magento 2.x
Setup and use
Setting up the integration is a simple process of entering your Magento 2 account details into Cin7 Omni and generating a security key with a single click. Please see Connecting Cin7 Omni to Magento 2.
The Settings menu will refine how the integration operates, please see Magento 2 Settings.
Downloading Orders is a key function of the integration. Downloading Orders allows you to easily dispatch orders that have been made from Cin7 Omni. See Downloading Orders from Magento 2 for more information.
Stock levels can be updated manually or set up to automatically sync enabled products.