Import sales orders into Shiptheory
You can import Sales Orders into Shiptheory from Cin7 Omni. This allows you to organize shipping and the printing of shipping labels.
Import sales orders into Shiptheory
For orders to be imported into Shiptheory, the following criteria must be fulfilled:
The Sales Order is Approved (i.e., not a draft)
The Stage has been set to ‘Fully Picked’
A valid ETD is set for the order
All products contained in the Sales Order have valid weights (see Connecting Cin7 Omni to Shiptheory)
The Tracking Code field in the Sales Order must be empty
The ETD, Created Date, and Invoice Date must not be more than 60 days in the past
All stock is available
Once all of those conditions have been met, the Sales Order will be ready to be imported to Shiptheory.
It is important to ensure that all stock for the order is available before importing it.
To import these orders:
Log in to your Cin7 Omni account
Select Integrations from the left Navigation and then select Shiptheory.
Select Upload orders to see a list of all Fully Picked Sales Orders.
Select the orders that you would like to submit using the checkboxes.
For each selected order, enter the number of boxes or labels in the Parcels field
Select Upload Orders.
Some shipping services impose limits on the number of boxes available per order.
The response from Shiptheory for each order will be shown in the Status field on this screen. If the order is successfully imported, the response will contain the tracking code for the order. If it is not successfully imported, the response will contain a description of the error.
After a successful import the following changes will take place on the sales order:
The message will be added to the Internal Comments field
The tracking code will be added to the Tracking Code field
The carrier will be added to the Carrier field (only if no carrier is set in Cin7 Omni)
The sales order Stage will be updated from Fully Picked to Dispatched
Available stock will be marked as dispatched in the Qty Dispatched column
Print shipping labels
Once you have imported all of the Sales Orders into Shiptheory from Cin7 Omni, you can print these from Shiptheory.
Log in to your Shiptheory account
Select the Ready To Print tab.
Locate the order you would like to print a label for
In the Action column, select Print.
To print multiple labels at once, check the boxes beside each of the orders you would like to print a label for. Then, at the bottom of the page, select Print from the Action dropdown.
Are hidden items in an Order sent to Shiptheory?
If an item in a Cin7 Omni sales order is set to Hide (under Format), the hidden item will not be sent to Shiptheory.
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