Fix discrepancies with QuickBooks Online

Fix discrepancies with QuickBooks Online


Find out what causes discrepancies between Cin7 Omni and QuickBooks Online and how to fix them.

A discrepancy is the difference between the total value of a sales or purchase order in Cin7 Omni and its matching invoice or bill in QuickBooks Online.

For example, when the tax rate of a sales order doesn’t match the tax rate of its invoice, or when the unit cost of a purchase order doesn’t match the unit cost of its bill, the totals will differ and create a discrepancy.

If you have a discrepancy, either Omni or QuickBooks Online is inaccurate. You must fix the discrepancy to keep your records straight.

Fix discrepancies

If you have discrepancies to fix, you’ll see a red badge on the Discrepancies tab on your QuickBooks Online integration dashboard. You’ll find sales order discrepancies listed on the Sales Order Discrepancies subtab and purchase order discrepancies on the Purchase Order Discrepancies subtab.

The Total of each affected sales or purchase order differs from the total of its matching invoice or bill by at least $1.00. The totals are listed in the Cin7 Omni Total and Total columns and the difference in the Difference column.

Most discrepancies are caused by having manually changed details on either transaction:

  • Tax rates

  • Discounts

  • Exchange rates

  • Unit quantities

  • Unit costs or prices

(Other discrepancies that don’t affect the totals of matching transactions, such as transactions being voided or having different invoice dates, aren’t listed on the Discrepancies tab but must be fixed too.)

To fix a discrepancy, review every factor in the transactions’ totals in Omni and QuickBooks Online. Update either Omni or QuickBooks Online so the totals are the same. Save your changes and then refresh your QuickBooks Online integration dashboard.

To fix some discrepancies, you must log in to Omni as an administrator or unlock closed financial periods in QuickBooks Online.

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