CRM settings
Available configuration options for the CRM module is summarized in this article.
Open the CRM settings
The CRM settings are located in the general Settings page. To find them:
While logged in as an Administrator, click your username in the top right and then select Settings.
Under the CRM menu, select CRM Settings.
General settings
CRM version
If you are not using the latest version of the CRM, you can switch it on here by changing the dropdown to "Version 2".
Show B2B website options
Enables additional fields that relate to the B2B site. See the Creating a Customer or Supplier Help article for more information.
Show advanced promotional matrix
Enables the Promotional Matrix fields for CRM contacts. See the Promotional Matrix for more information.
Apply CRM contact % off price tier discounts to UOMs
Set Apply CRM contact % off price tier discounts to UOMs to Yes to apply contacts’ Percentage Off Price Tier discounts (if any) to alternative units of measure (UOMs).
The discount is applied to each base unit. If multiple promos or bulk purchasing discounts are available, the customer will receive the cheapest possible price. This setting applies to backend and B2B sales.
Show call back dates
Enables Call Back Dates. With this setting enabled, a date can be set against a CRM contact for when a call back is required. The CRM list page can then be filtered to show any contacts with a call-back date within the selected range.
Additional search fields
Here, you can add additional text search boxes for certain fields in the CRM. For example, adding "Country" will allow you to search for "Australia" and see all relevant contacts.
Customer Group
Price Column
Show additional columns in the list
Use this setting to add additional information to the contact list.
The following fields can be added to the CRM List:
Show additional fields in the CRM
These settings will add in additional fields within the CRM.
Account Number - Useful for entering your contact's BAS or VAT number.
Store Number - If you need to number your stores.
Percentage Off Price Tier - A field that will remove a certain percentage off the allocated price tier for that contact.
Mailing List status - Displays Subscribed/Unsubscribed
Freight service - Select a default Freight option to be applied to each contact
Legal Name - Field to store additional details if a customer has a different Legal and Trading name.
Any other custom fields you have created.
Read-only fields for standard users
You can make a number of fields in the CRM read-only for Standard Users. This includes:
Balance Owing
Payment Terms
Promotional Matrix
Alt GL Account
Tax Rate
Sales Rep
Price Column
Tax Number
Contact Type
Credit Limit
Sub Groups
Import Status
Billing Company
Default Branch
On Hold
Accounts First Name
Accounts Last Name
Bill To
Import Errors
To control which users have standard and manager access, see the Creating New Users Help article. It is possible to choose between "Manager" and "Standard" on a module-by-module.