Create and export Advance Shipping Notices (856, DESADV)
Find out about Advance Shipping Notices (856, DESADV) and how to create and export them.
The Advance Shipping Notice (856, DESADV) tells your trading partner exactly how their electronic data interchange (EDI) order is being delivered: which units of which products are in which boxes, who is the carrier and what is the tracking code, when it was shipped and will arrive – everything.
Depending on your workflow, you may create and export multiple Advance Shipping Notices (ASNs) per order:
Ship-to-store requires one ASN per linked sales order.
Ship-to-DC requires one ASN per distribution center.
Amazon Vendor requires one ASN.
Dropship requires one ASN.
It’s crucial to export your ASNs promptly. If your trading partner doesn’t receive an ASN, they may reject deliveries and you’ll incur a chargeback.
In order to create and export an ASN, the linked sales order(s) must have:
Tracking Code
SSCC Number
Dispatch Date (within the delivery window)
You can't create or export an ASN if these details are missing or incorrect in the sales order. Validation errors show during ASN creation on-screen.
You can view export errors in the Export EDI Errors page (select Errors on the Ready For Export tile on the trading partner's integration dashboard).
Create and export Advance Shipping Notices
First create the ASN:
Log in to EDI Dashboard.
Open the order to create the ASN for (select inside the Customer PO cell).
If you’re in the ship-to-DC workflow, select the DC tab.
If you’re in the ship-to-store, Amazon Vendor, or dropship workflow, select the Next Action tab.
For each group to create an ASN(s) for:
Select Next Action in the group header.
Set Affected Orders to Transfer ASN Now.
Select Update Status (if any sales order in the group isn’t ready for its ASN, you won’t be able to complete this step).
Select Save.
You’ve created the ASN for a linked sales order when it says ASN - Scheduled in the Next Action column. You’ve created all the ASNs for an order when the order says Scheduled in the ASN column (select Back to Dashboard to return to see the order’s status).
Now export the ASN:
Log in to Cin7 Omni.
From the Integrations menu in the navigation, open your trading partner’s integration dashboard. ASNs ready to export are on the Ready For Export tile.
Select Export beside the ASN, or
Select Export All, which exports all messages pending import.
You’ve exported all the ASNs for an order when the order says Awaiting Acknowledgement in the ASN column on the EDI Dashboard (or, if the delivery window has closed, it will say Urgent Action Required). You’ve exported the ASN for an individual linked sales order when it says ASN - Awaiting Acknowledgement in the Next Action column.
If you need to email the SSCC labels to your 3PL, this will happen automatically when you export the ASN (this functionality is optional and must be configured).
Eventually, you’ll receive a Functional Acknowledgement (997, CONTROL) for each ASN. Import each Functional Acknowledgement. You’ve imported all the required Functional Acknowledgements when the order says Acknowledged in the ASN column on the EDI Dashboard.
In the meantime, continue processing the order (create and export the Invoice):
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