Download orders from Amazon Seller

Download orders from Amazon Seller


Orders in Amazon Seller can be downloaded into Cin7 Omni. You can refine what orders the integration downloads in the settings.

Products in downloaded orders will be matched to products in Cin7 Omni using their SKU.

If you download an order containing a product with an SKU that cannot be matched to a Cin7 Omni product code/SKU - perhaps because it is incorrect or it does not exist - the line item will still appear in the order, but the stock for this item will not be diminished.

It is therefore very important that your Product Codes/SKUs match Amazon Seller SKUs exactly.

Download orders

  1. From the left navigation, select Integrations, then select on your Amazon Seller module.

  2. From the dashboard, on the Order Activity tile, select Download Orders.

Cin7 Omni will download all orders from Amazon Seller based on the criteria set up in the settings.

The orders will now appear in the Sales Orders module.

  • When orders get canceled on Amazon Seller before downloading into Cin7 Omni, those canceled orders will not be available for download in Cin7 Omni.

  • When orders get canceled on Amazon Seller after downloading into Cin7 Omni, those orders will be automatically voided in Cin7 Omni.

  • If you are using Amazon FBA to fulfill Amazon Seller orders, kindly note that currently Cin7 Omni downloads only shipped FBA orders to the respective branch.


How do Alternative Tax Rates work with Cin7 Omni and Amazon Seller?

When downloading orders, the tax rate name from Amazon Seller matches the name of an Alternative Tax Rate setup in Cin7 Omni.

Therefore if you have multiple tax rates in Amazon Seller, make sure to set up the equivalent rates, using the exact same name within Cin7 Omni.

If the names do not match, Cin7 Omni will assume it is the default tax rate for your account.

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