Cin7 Omni homepage dashboard

Cin7 Omni homepage dashboard


The homepage dashboard gives a summary view for the Sales, Operation, or Insights (inventory success quadrant) of your business. For a more in-depth review of your sales and operations, use Insight reports.

The dashboard does not update every time you log in. You may need to clear your cache to see recent changes.

You can customize what appears on your homepage dashboard, or control what other users see on their dashboards.

Change your homepage dashboard

If you have administrator or manager access, you can choose what metrics appear on your dashboard.

  1. Select the Settings cog on the dashboard to change your dashboard view.

  2. You can then choose what metrics you want to display.

  3. Use the arrow to drag and drop the different metrics into a new order.

  4. Select Save Settings to save your new dashboard.

Change homepage dashboard for other users

You can set up who can see the dashboard (and what is included in their dashboard) with user roles. All users with that role will share the same access and dashboard view.

Administrator rights required

  1. Select your username and then select Users.

  2. Select Manage Roles. You can then either edit an existing role (select Change) or create a new user role (select Create Role).

  3. Under Setup, you can choose the access levels for the Homepage Dashboard. You can select No Access, Standard (can access but not edit the dashboard), or Manager (can access and edit the dashboard).

  4. If you want to customize the dashboard view for roles with Standard or Manager access, select Config.

    1. Choose what dashboard metrics you want for their view.

    2. Select Save Settings. You can also select Save and then Preview Dashboard to save the dashboard configuration and see your changes. You can close the new tab with their dashboard as your changes are already saved.

  5. In the user role details page, select Save.

Homepage dashboard metrics

Top line numbers

You can display up to 5 quick summary metrics at the top of the dashboard. You may need to remove an existing top line number before you can select Add Top Line Number.

Top line number


Total sales

The total sales by value. You can select your total sales:

  • timeframe (today, this week, this month, this quarter).

  • comparison between previous sales (budget, previous period, last year, or you can choose to not compare).

  • date for comparison (created date, invoiced date, or dispatched date).

Includes: Credit notes and Freight Excludes: Tax

Open sales orders

The value of all open sales.
Includes: Freight Excludes: Tax

Open quotes

The value of all open quotes.
Includes: Freight Excludes: Tax

Open purchase orders

The value of all open purchase orders.
Includes: Freight Excludes: Tax

Invoiced sales fully paid

The value of all invoiced sales that still need payment (not fully paid).
Includes: Freight Excludes: Tax

Open sales orders not invoiced

The value of all sales orders with no invoice date.
Includes: Freight Excludes: Tax

Open purchase orders not invoiced

The value of all open sales.
Includes: Freight Excludes: Tax

Active customers

The amount of customers with at least one order in the last year.

Weekly late shipments

The amount of dispatched sales orders (in the last week) sent after their ETD.

Inventory levels

The value of the stock on hand. This matches the current stock valuation analysis report.

Charts & trends

You can select what charts appear on your dashboard, what tab they are in, the chart type (e.g. bar, line, pie), the timeframe, comparison (e.g. compare to the budget), date field, and size.

All charts include credit notes and sales orders.



Total sales

Total sales including credit notes.

Sales by channel

Total sales listed by sales channel.

Sales by category

Total sales listed by top level category.

Sales by branch 

Total sales listed by primary branch.

Sales by user

Total sales listed by sales rep (Cin7 user).

Sales by geolocation

Total sales listed by delivery country. Sales with no country will use the default country for the account.

My sales

Total sales where you are the sales rep for the order.

Current branch sales

Total sales for the current branch (main branch or your last selected branch). 

Activities lists

Activities lists show the first 50 items for that activity (when expanded).



My latest transactions

Sales orders, purchase orders, branch transfers (and any other transactions) created in the last 30 days.

Latest purchase orders

Purchase orders created in the last 30 days.

Latest quotes

Quotes created in the last 30 days.

My overdue quotes

Quotes that have expired in the last 30 days.

Latest sales orders

Sales orders created in the last 30 days.

Latest Legacy B2B orders 

Legacy B2B sales orders from the last 30 days.

Latest B2B online store orders

B2B online store sales orders from the last 30 days.

Orders exceeding ETD

All sales orders that are not dispatched, but their ETD has passed.  

Orders close to ETD

All sales orders that are not dispatched, but their ETD is this week (within the next 7 days).

New EDI orders

EDI sales orders created in the last 30 days.

3PL notifications

Sales orders that will be 3PL dispatched with any outstanding notifications.

EDI notifications

EDI sales orders with any outstanding notifications.

Send EDI ASNs and SSCCs labels

Sales orders that are due ASN or SSCC labels.

Top spending customers

Customers ranked by their total sales (includes credit notes) in the last 90 days.

Customers no longer buying

Customers who have not purchased in the last 6 months, but purchased in the last year.

Top selling products

Products ranked by their total sales (includes credit notes) in the last 90 days.

Under stocked products

Products where the stock available is less than the stock on hand.

Under stocked components

BOM products where the amount sold in the last 30 days is more than the stock on hand + incoming stock.

Overstocked products

Products with more stock available than the amount sold in the last 3 months.

Stock age - stock older than 6 months

Stock items that has not been sold for over 6 months.

Stock age - stock older than 9 months

Stock items that has not been sold for over 9 months.

Stock age - stock older than 12 months

Stock items that has not been sold for over 12 months.

Insights - Inventory Success Quadrants

You can choose the Gross Profit % Upper Limit and the Stock Days Upper Limit. This will change the scale of the inventory success quadrants graph.

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