Taxes in B2B

Taxes in B2B


The B2B online store applies tax to a product, based on the following hierarchy. If no tax exists at one level, the store looks for a tax at the next level:

  1. Tax at price tier

  2. Tax at product

  3. Alternative tax at CRM

  4. GL account tax at CRM

  5. Alternative tax at branch

  6. GL account tax at branch

  7. Default tax rate


Tax at price tier

  • If a price tier is tax-exempt, it will not calculate or apply a tax.

  • If a price tier is tax inclusive, a tax will be calculated but will not be added to the final price charged to the user.

  • If a price tier is tax-exclusive, a tax will be calculated and added to the subtotal to calculate the final price.

Select Settings and under the Set Up Menu select Update Price and Cost Tiers.

Tax at product

If the price tier is not exempt, Cin7 Omni will check if a tax has been added at a product level and take that into account. A tax can be set at a product level by setting up a tax for a GL account and assigning that account to the product in the Sales Account dropdown.

Select Products. Open any product and you will find this in the Accounting Section.

Alternative tax at CRM

If a price tier is not exempt and none of the products have a specific tax applied, Cin7 Omni will check if a tax applies to a specific customer in the CRM at the field Tax Rate and take that into account.

Select CRM. Open any contact and scroll to Tax Rate.

GL account tax at CRM

If a price tier is not exempt and none of the products have a specific tax applied and the field Tax Rate is blank, Cin7 Omni will check if a tax applies to a specific customer in the CRM at the GL Account field and take that into account.

Select CRM. Open any contact and you will see this in the Accounts section.

Alternative tax at branch

If none of the above tax apply and if a price tier is not set to tax exempt, Cin7 Omni will check if a tax applies to a specific branch at the field Tax Rate level and take that into account.

Select CRM. Open any Branch and you will see this in the Branch Details section.

GL account tax at branch

If none of the above tax apply and if a price tier is not set to tax exempt,  Cin7 Omni will check if a tax applies to a specific branch in the CRM at the GL Account field level and take that into account.

Select CRM. Open any Branch and you will see this in the Branch Details section.

Default tax rate

If none of the above apply, a default tax rate is applied to an order (which is GST for Australia and New Zealand based customers).

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