Batch ecommerce orders automation bot

Batch ecommerce orders automation bot


The Batch Ecommerce Orders automation bot batches ecommerce sales orders and credit notes, so that when a deposit from your payment provider appears on your bank statement, you only have to reconcile it against one transaction.

Use this bot to set a time each day to automatically batch transactions from your ecommerce sales channels for each payment type.

This bot eliminates the need to batch ecommerce transactions manually.

You can create multiple batch ecommerce orders bots if you want different configurations for different ecommerce channels.

Set up the automation bot

  1. In the navigation, select Admin then select Cin7 Automation Bots.

  2. Select Create New Automation Bot.

  3. Under Batch Ecommerce Orders in the Accounting & Admin section, click Select.

  4. If you are creating multiple Batch Ecommerce Orders automation bots, add a Name.

  5. Select Create Automation. You will then see the configuration for your automation bot, including its Name and Status.

  6. If you use ecommerce (for example, Shopify), marketplace (Amazon Seller), or EDI, you can use Tags to add your sales channels to your channel workflow diagram.

  7. The automation bot will:

    • batch sales order and credit notes from the last 30 days.

    • exclude today's transactions (that is, all transactions with payments made on the same day that the bot runs).

  8. Under Ecommerce Batching Options, there is a list of all payment types for each channel. You can either:

    • Select Ignore to not batch that channel and payment type.

    • Choose a Cut-off Time to batch all payments made before this time. This automation bot does not include today's transactions, so the cut-off time will be from the day before the bot runs.

      For example, if the cut-off time is 11:00 and the bot is run on the 2nd of June:

      • Batches all transactions made before 11:00 on the 1st of June.

      • Ignores all transactions made after 11:00 on the 1st of June.

      • Ignores all transactions made on the 2nd of June.

  9. Select a branch (Branches) if you only want orders from specific branches to be batched.

  10. Under Notification, enter an email address if you would like a summary of action to be sent to a Cin7 Omni contact.

  11. Under Schedule, set the days, time, and frequency the automation will run automatically. Or select Run on Demand to allow a user to run the automation at will.

  12. Select Save Settings.

View the workflow

Once configured, the Batch Ecommerce Orders Bot workflow can be viewed in the Accounting & Admin tab of the Automation Bots Dashboard.

The workflow shows when the Automation was run last, when it is scheduled to run next, and configuration settings.

Selecting Preview will show a summary of the results of running the Automation while selecting Run will initiate the Automation Bot.

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