Custom product fields
You can create custom fields for your products and change the order that it displays. This can be useful if you need to record information for your business that doesn't easily fit into any other field.
Create a custom field
You can create the following types of custom fields:
Words (Up to 250 characters)
Text Area (Up to 256 characters)
Text Area (Up to 512 characters)
Text Area (Up to 1024 characters)
Text Area (Up to 2048 characters)
To make a custom field:
Once logged in as an Administrator, you will see your username on the top right corner. Select your username, then select Settings.
Select Products, then select Custom Fields.
Select Create New.
Enter the field name, the type of field and select Create.
Status : Active / Disabled
The new field will now appear in the list of fields.
Display the custom field
The next step is to make the custom field appear in the Product Form page.
Select Back to return to the settings page.
Select Products, then select Product Settings.
Scroll down to Show Additional Fields in The Product Form Section and you will see your new custom field
Select Show, then;
Choose the Section of the products page in which the field should appear
The Position Number dictating where in the section the field appears with 1 being the top.
Select Managers Only (optional) which will hides this column from those without Manager access
Can Custom fields be made available in the Reports?
Not by default, but they can be added into a specific report upon request. Contact Cin7 Omni Support for additional information.
Can Custom fields be deleted once created?
No, but you can turn off a custom field from displaying by deselecting it from the Settings page.