Xero FAQs

Xero FAQs

How do I update my customers’ Balance Owing?

In Omni, each customer’s Balance Owing syncs from the linked customer’s They Owe field in Xero whenever your Xero integration dashboard is refreshed.

Your dashboard refreshes automatically whenever you open it. You can also refresh your dashboard manually:

  1. Log in to Omni as an admin.

  2. From the Accounting menu in the navigation, open your Xero integration dashboard.

  3. Click the Refresh button.

Find out more about downloading data from Xero.

Why can’t I see some transactions on my Xero integration dashboard?

If you want to sync a transaction to Xero but can’t see it on your Xero integration dashboard, you may need to update your Xero integration settings.

The setting Update transactions for number of past months stops older transactions from being shown on your Xero integration dashboard and synced to Xero. For example, if you set this setting to X, you’ll only see transactions that were invoiced this month and within X past months on your dashboard.

Update this setting to include the invoice date of the transaction you want to sync:

  1. Log in to Omni as an admin.

  2. From the Accounting menu in the navigation, open your Xero integration dashboard.

  3. Open Settings.

  4. Set Update transactions for number of past months.

  5. Select Save Settings.

Transactions must meet certain other conditions, too, before they’ll be shown on the dashboard. Find out what those conditions are for each type of transaction:

Why can’t I see some credit notes (customer or supplier) on my Xero integration dashboard?

If you want to sync a credit note or supplier credit note to Xero but can’t see it on your Xero integration dashboard, the transaction’s Total may be 0.

You don’t need to sync a credit note or supplier credit note if its Total is 0, so you won’t see that transaction on your dashboard.

Credit notes and supplier credit notes must meet certain other conditions, too, before they’ll be shown on the dashboard. Find out what those conditions are for credit notes and supplier credit notes.

Can I sync sales/purchase orders with line items with a $0.00 unit price/cost?

No, you can’t sync sale/purchase orders with line items with $0.00 unit price/cost. If you try, you’ll receive an error (“Line item must be specified”).

You must give the line item a positive price/cost and then discount the line item 100% instead:

  1. Open the transaction.

  2. Set Unit Price (or Unit Cost) to some positive value.

  3. Set % Disc to 100.

  4. Save the transaction.

Why have my cost of goods sold (COGS) not updated?

Omni generates cost of goods sold (COGS) for a sales orders if it meets these conditions:

  • It has a Fully Dispatched date.

  • It has an Invoice Date.

  • Its Accounting Invoice Status is set to either Imported or Do Not Import.

If a sales order meets these conditions, Omni will generate COGS for each unit dispatched. It won’t generate COGS for undispatched units or units of non-stock products.

Once you’ve confirmed your sales order meets these conditions, you can manually refresh your COGS:

  1. Log in to Omni as an admin.

  2. From the Accounting menu in the navigation, open your Xero integration dashboard.

  3. Open the Adjustment & COGS > COGS tab.

  4. Select Refresh Data.

Find out more about syncing COGS to Xero.

Do credit notes update my cost of goods sold (COGS)?

Yes, a credit note will update your cost of goods sold (COGS) if it meets these conditions:

  1. It has a Completed Date.

  2. It has a Credit Note Date.

  3. Its Accounting Invoice Status is set to either Imported or Do Not Import.

If a credit meets these conditions, Omni will update COGS according to each unit moved in that credit note. It won’t update COGS according to unmoved units or units of non-stock products.

If the credit note was created via a sales order, Omni will use the cost of the units in that sales order to update your COGS. If the credit note wasn’t created via a sales order, Omni will use the latest purchase cost.

Can I sync my cost of goods sold (COGS) from historical financial periods?

Omni calculates your cost of goods sold (COGS) per month. When you sync your COGS to Xero, a manual journal entry is created in Xero for the value of each month’s COGS.

As your COGS change throughout the month, you can keep the matching journal entry up to date by syncing your COGS to Xero. If a past month’s COGS changes, you can sync those too.

You can only sync COGS for the past 12 months. If you need to update COGS from 13 or more months ago, you must manually update those journal entries in Xero.

Find out more about syncing COGS to Xero.

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