Xero lock date

Xero lock date


You can’t upload transactions or changes to transactions dated on or before your Xero lock date.

At the end of your financial year, you can set up a lock date in Xero. Setting up a lock date protects your financial reports by stopping you from adding or editing transactions dated on or before the lock date.

In Cin7 Omni, your Xero lock date shows at the top of your Xero dashboard. You can only upload transactions or changes to transactions dated after the lock date:

  • Sales orders (based on Invoice Date)

  • Credit notes (based on Credit Note Date)

  • Purchase orders (based on Invoice Date)

  • Supplier credit notes (based on Supplier Credit Note Date)

  • Landed costs (based on Invoice Date of the purchase order)

  • Adjustments (based on Accounting Adjustment Date)

  • COGS (based on the COGS entry’s Date, which is the Invoice Date of the last sales order of the month)

If you try to upload a transaction or change dated on or before your lock date, you’ll get an error.

If you need to upload a past transaction or change, ask your Xero adviser to remove your lock date.

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