Update pricing in Neto
Cin7 Omni can update the pricing (standard and RRP fields) of products in Neto - as well as the Special Price field. It is also possible to choose which price tiers you'd like to use as your master pricing list.
There are some prerequisites for updating product pricing:
Products must exist in Neto already (Skus must match between the two systems).
Products must have the channel Option 'Neto' ticked.
Set up pricing updates
By default, product pricing is turned off. To set up product Pricing:
Select Integrations from the left navigation and then select Neto.
Select Settings in the top right.
Make sure the Products section is checked (it may already be checked).
From within the Products menu, check Enable Update Pricing. In order to update the pricing, select Update Recent Modified Pricing on the Neto dashboard. This has to be manually triggered to update any pricing changes.
Enter an Updated date. Only products updated after this date will be updated in Neto.
Choose a Price Tier (standard and RRP) and Special Price Tier.
This decides which pricing tiers in Cin7 Omni to draw from. Choosing "Default" for both options will choose the Retail Price and Special Price tiers, respectively.
Special Prices
Cin7 Omni can update both the Price and the Special Price in Neto based on price tiers that you can specify in the settings.
If you assign "default" to the Special Price drop-down the price will only be updated during the period that the special price tier specifies - i.e. starting on a certain date, and lasting a certain number of days. For more information on how the Special Price tier works, see the Price Tiers article.
The Special Price in Neto will only be updated if the special price is less than the retail price.
Ignoring Special Price
If you do not wish the special price to update for your online store, you can set the Special Price tier to the same as the Retail Price.