Set up HubSpot
Find out how to install, connect, and configure a HubSpot integration.
Install and connect HubSpot
To install and connect a HubSpot integration, you need your Cin7 Omni API Username and Connection Key:
Log in to Cin7 Omni as an administrator.
From the user menu, open Settings.
Under Integrations & API, select API v1.
Note your API Username.
Select Add New API Connection.
If you receive an error (“Unable to create more than X API connections”), you must contact Cin7 Omni support to have your new connection added for you.
Give your connection a short, descriptive App Name (for example, HubSpot).
Note your API Key for HubSpot.
Select Back to Setup.
You’ll see a new connection for HubSpot under API Connections. If you forget your API Key for HubSpot, select Regenerate Key on your HubSpot connection.
Now give your connection the correct permissions:
On your HubSpot connection, select Permissions.
Enable these permissions:
Contacts: create, read, update, and delete
Product categories: read
Products: read
Users: read
Select Save.
Finally, install and connect the HubSpot integration:
From the navigation, open the App Store.
Open the Sales & Marketing tab.
Select HubSpot.
Select Help and Support.
Select Install app and follow HubSpot’s onscreen instructions:
If you’re not logged in to HubSpot, first select Sign in to install app, follow HubSpot’s onscreen instructions, and then select Install app.
When prompted, enter your API Key for HubSpot into the field API Key and your API Username into the field API Username.
Once your integration has been authorized, HubSpot will prompt you to set up an object sync for your contacts. See Configure HubSpot (below) for more information.
Configure HubSpot
In HubSpot, you must create an object sync to sync contacts with Cin7 Omni.
An object sync is a set of rules for synchronizing a type of object between Cin7 Omni and HubSpot. In your case, you’ll create two object syncs: one for customers and one for suppliers.
To create a new object sync, follow HubSpot’s instructions.