Update Salesforce products

Update Salesforce products


You can update products from Cin7 Omni to Salesforce.

Select products to update

Before updating Products to Salesforce you will need to select which products in the products module you would like to be updated.

First, add the flag to the products module as follows:

  1. Whilst logged in as an Administrator select on your username, top right, then select Settings.

  2. From the products menu, select Product Settings.

  3. Under the Show Channel Options menu, check Salesforce.

  4. Select Save.


Next, flag products that you would like to update.

  1. From the products module, choose a product that you would like to be updated to Cin7 Omni.

  2. From the classifications pane, check the Salesforce checkbox.

  3. Select Save to save the product.

Bulk update channels

Products can also be updated in bulk using the Import and Update products  process. Multiple channels can be added when updating by separating each channel by commas in the Channels field. Be sure to make sure the name of the channel matches exactly.

Update products

Once you have selected some products to be updated:

  1. From the left navigation, under Integrations, select Salesforce.

  2. Either:

  • Select Update Recently Modified Products. Only products modified after the date defined in the settings will be updated.

  • Select Update All Products. All products in Salesforce will be updated with information from Cin7 Omni.


Update fields

Product Code






  • We do map the payment terms field to any custom field on the opportunity object on Salesforce. The payment terms will flow through into Cin7 Omni sales order and also the CRM contact associated with that sales order. Note: This field maps only to the opportunity, not the quotes object.

  • The carrier, tracking code, and dispatch date can also be sent to Salesforce from Cin7 Omni to the corresponding quote or opportunity. These fields will need to be created either on the quote or the opportunity object on Salesforce. You need to add the API name of these fields into Cin7 Omni for mapping (eg: Carrier__c)

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