Stock allocation
Stock Allocation allows you to set aside incoming stock to a specific channel or business unit. This helps you to optimize stock levels for each unit/channel, eliminating the need for you to move stock from one unit/channel to fulfill an order in another using the time-consuming virtual branch transfer workaround.
Contact Cin7 Omni support to enable stock allocation.
You can transfer some of the stock available from a warehouse branch to an allocation branch. This will reduce the stock available in the warehouse branch and increase the stock available in the allocation branch. Stock on hand will not be affected as this value will always remain at the warehouse branch.
Create an allocation branch
You will need to create an allocation branch and link it to an existing Warehouse/Distribution Branch.
Select your username and then Settings.
Select Branches and then Create New Branch.
Add in the details of your branch and then choose 05 Allocation as the Branch Type.
In Distribution Branch, choose your warehouse or distribution branch that has stock for your allocation branch.
Click Save.
You can change an existing branch with no sales orders to an allocation branch by editing the Branch Type.
Transfer stock to an allocation branch
Select the Stock in the left navigation pane then Stock Allocations.
Select New Stock Allocation.
If you have more than one allocation branch, select the Allocation branch you want to use.
Enter the product and quantity you would like to transfer to the Allocation branch.
Approve the Stock Allocation. Adding a completed date to complete the Stock Allocation.
Select Products in the left navigation menu. You will see the adjusted stock quantities. If you select the Allocation branch, you will see that SOH (stock on hand) is zero and the Allocation stock is the amount you transferred.
With All Branches selected, the SOH (stock on hand) and stock available will be the same as before you transferred to the allocation branch.
Use stock from an allocation branch
To draw down stock assigned to a specific Allocation branch, you will need to create a new sales order against that branch. Create a standard sales order but when the Allocation branch is selected, the linked Warehouse will show as a Distribution Branch.
When the dispatched date has been filled in for the sales order, the allocated stock quantity at the Allocation Branch will decrease by the dispatched amount. The SOH (stock on hand) for the Warehouse Branch will also decrease by the dispatched amount.
Reverse a stock allocation
You can also move stock from an Allocation branch back to a Warehouse branch.
Type or search for the product you want to move stock for.
In the Qty Allocated column, enter a negative quantity for the amount of stock you want to move from the Allocation branch to the Warehouse branch.
Approve the Stock Allocation.
When this is completed, the stock available number in the Allocation branch will reduce and the stock available number at the Warehouse branch will increase, the SOH (stock on hand) quantity will remain unchanged.
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