Stock reports calculations

Stock reports calculations


Insights is compatible with a multi-currency Xero system. You can import invoices, purchase orders, sales orders, and calculate COGS in foreign currencies. All stock reports are converted to local currency.

Stock on hand and availability

This report shows available stock calculated:

Stock On Hand + Incoming - Open Sales Not Yet Dispatched

Stock value is based on the actual landed cost of stock brought into Cin7 Omni.

Historic and current stock valuations

This provides a rough estimate of stock value at a certain point in time. This report is dynamic, which means it will correctly represent any stock movements or date changes that occur at any point in time. If stock is moved from old transactions or dates are changed the report will update the value.

Current stock valuation analysis

Stock value is based on the actual landed cost of stock brought into Cin7 Omni, allowing for exchange rate fluctuations and varying customs and freight charges (landed costs).

For example, if you have 50 shirts with a average landed cost of $1 but the next 50 shirts had a  average landed cost of $1.50, then the overall stock value would be:

($1 x 50) + ($1.50 x 50) = $125

Stock value

The stock value is based on the actual landed cost of stock brought into Cin7 Omni, allowing fluctuations of the exchange rate and varying customs & freight charges.

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