Map products to NuORDER

Map products to NuORDER


In order for stock levels to be updated from Cin7 Omni to NuORDER, the products must be matched.

Product matching is done based on pairing Cin7 Omni barcodes to the UPC field in NuORDER.

If a product is not matched because the barcode does not exist or is incorrect, stock for that product will not be updated to NuORDER. It is therefore important that barcodes in Cin7 Omni and UPC codes in NuORDER are correct.

Match products

  1. From the left navigation, select Integrations, then select NuORDER.

  2. Select Map Products.

  3. Select Rematch All Products. This will remove all current product matches and then recreate them. Running this action will not modify or delete product details in either system.

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